Due to the success of the first FastTrac® NewVenture™ entrepreneurship training program in Abilene, TX., the West Texas Innovation Network is bringing FastTrac® NewVenture™ to Brownwood, TX. The classes will be held every Tuesday evening from 6-9 PM for 10 weeks at the TSTC – Brownwood campus.
To sign up for this nationally recognized training opportunity, visit www.wtin.org or go to http://wtin.affiliate.fasttrac.org . Special reduced pricing is available for military veterans. More information can be found at Workforce Solutions of West Central Texas-Brownwood at 325.646.1591 or contact Mike Mikeworth at 325.795.4313 (mike@wtin.org). Financial Assistance is available for qualified individuals from Workforce Solutions of West Central Texas-Brownwood.
The West Texas Innovation Network (WTIN) provides access to training opportunities for entrepreneurs aspiring to start their own businesses. Mike Mikeworth, Project Manager states “We work with a variety of community partners, small business owners and other entrepreneurship interests in the Big Country in order to make available quality training, consulting and events to local entrepreneurs.”