Jimmy Trowbridge, born and raised in Brown County, has announced his candidacy for Brown County Commissioner Precinct 1 in the upcoming primary election March 2016.
“I feel I can make a difference and serve the tax payers of Brown County in a positive manner,” he said in the announcement. “The county commissioner is not only responsible for the road maintenance, budget control, and other matters of Brown County; I believe a county commissioner is a liaison between the tax payers and the county government. I am in full support of transparency brought forth into the county court system. I stand to be a good steward of the tax payers’ money through investigative budget control, competitive bidding, and quality assurance of the project completion.”
Trowbridge is a Brownwood High School graduate.
TSTC of Brownwood; degree in Para medicine (Graduated with Honors and on the Dean’s List)
Texas A&M course completions
West Central Texas Council of Governments (Basic Peace Officer)
Texas Forestry Service – Fire Science
Trowbridge has strong community involvement on such projects but not limited to: Brownwood Reunion Committee, Relay for Life, Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce Ambassador, Brown County Youth Fair Association Board, Past President of the Brownwood Junior Chamber of Commerce, and the Brown County Rodeo Steering Committee. He has also had a long term career in emergency services with a strong passion for the service of humanity for the citizens of Brown County. Trowbridge has managed crews, budgets, business development, and produced quality improvement all while employed in Brown County.
Trowbridge said in the announcement, “I have raised my family here. I have one daughter, Courtney McMillian, and her husband Wes. They have 3 children; Hunter, Jordan, and Gentry all of Brownwood. I have a son, Jared Trowbridge, who also lives in Brownwood. They all are very active in the community.
If elected as your commissioner:
1) I will diligently work hard to bring transparency in the court system.
2) I will be a good steward of the tax payer dollars, keeping in mind the cost measures are kept within the budget.
3) I will provide public knowledge and be informative about decisions being proposed.
4) Roads will be continually maintained efficiently and cost measures kept within budget.
5) My door will be always open to listen to your concerns and to find or offer a solution to the concerns of the constituents of Brown County.
I am dedicated, honest, and trustworthy. I will work for the tax payers of Brown County. Each vote counts.
I would appreciate your support.”