According to Brown County Sheriff’s reports, Wednesday morning, Brown County Sheriff’s Deputy Kelly Marsh witnessed a woman getting her feet knocked out from under her, in what witnesses called an intentional move by 27-year-old Patricia Watkins of Brownwood.

According to reports, the parties were leaving the courtroom when witnesses including the BCSO Deputy, a woman waiting to enter the courtroom and a Brown County Constable noted the assault.  All three described the suspect (Watkins), who was dressed in dark clothing, kick the feet of the victim very hard, causing her to fall to the floor.

It was noted in the reports that the Deputy and Constable both observed Watkins walking very quickly toward the stairwell attempting to leave the area. Watkins was detained and questioned about the incident.   Reportedly, Watkins claimed to have been trying to trip someone else, but that the victim got in the way.  Watkins was arrested for Assault Causing Bodily Injury and transported to the Brown County Jail.

According to the report, the victim stated she landed on her hip and would seek medical treatment after she left the courthouse.