Written by Amanda Coers – While many Brownwood area residents are making plans for New Year’s, local law enforcement is gearing up for a potentially busy weekend. As drinks are poured and the clock counts down, Brownwood Police Chief Terry Nichols would like to remind party-goers to keep an eye on their consumption if they plan to drive.
“We always encourage people to plan ahead,” said Chief Nichols. “If you know you’re going to be drinking, plan ahead.”
Nichols also advised to be flexible if plans change. “If you didn’t plan on drinking, but you do, just don’t drive. Don’t be afraid to park, put up your keys, and call for a ride.”
The Chief also advised hosts need to watch out for their guests, and assign designated drivers, as part of party planning. Giving gift cards to Designated Drivers could be an additional touch, as a way to say thank you in advance.
Local Law Enforcement Agencies will have additional officers on patrol over the holiday weekend.Officers will be monitoring for erratic driving and other safety violations.
Tips for Celebrating Responsibly:
2. Be Prepared: With cooler temperatures and a chance for rain in the weekend forecast, drivers would be wise to have extra supplies in their vehicles in case of an emergency or car trouble. Make sure that someone knows your route, where you are going and when you are expected to arrive. Make sure to have a full-powered cellphone, blankets and a first aid kit in your vehicle.
3. Practice Fire Safety: Planning to enjoy company around a fire? It’s a common tradition, and while there is no Burn Ban in effect for Brown County, it’s wise to practice a few fire safety principles. Before lighting an outdoor fire, make sure it’s not under any low hanging branches or near brush or bushes. Clear all debris from around the fire pit, including garbage and grass. There should be a 5-foot perimeter of soil around the designated fire space. Have water, dirt or a shovel nearby to help reduce the flames or put it out completely if necessary. Controlling the fire can be just as important as putting it out. Make sure someone always has an eye on the fire.
4. Be Responsible with Fireworks: Aside from sparklers and items known as “Pharaoh’s Serpents,” fireworks are not allowed inside the Brownwood/Early city limits. Violations could receive up to a $500 citation, as a class C misdemeanor. Fireworks are permitted outside the city limits, but celebrants are encouraged to be mindful and respectful of neighbors, and to be responsible with disposal.
5. What Goes Up, Must Come Down: Do not fire guns into the air. Discharging a firearm is prohibited in the city limits. But it’s not a good idea outside the city limits either. “Even out in the country, don’t shoot guns in the air. That bullet has to come down somewhere,” says Chief Nichols. “Every year you hear of a tragedy where someone is inured or even killed from a falling bullet. We certainly don’t want that to happen here.”