EarlyPDLogoThe Early Police Department and the Brown County Sheriff Office arrested 3 individuals Thursday evening on various charges ranging from manufacturing/ delivery of a controlled substance to evading arrest according to Early Police Chief David Mercer.

Mercer said in an email that Sgt Shawn Dibrell with the Early Police Department and Investigator Carlyle Gover with the Brown County Sheriff’s Office located a probationer, Brandon French, at a local motel in Early. French was placed on probation in November and had a search clause as a requirement on his probation according to Mercer. A search clause requires anyone on probation to consent to a search by their probation officer and law enforcement.

Mercer stated that Officer’s Dibrell and Gover contacted French’s probation officer and informed him they suspected French of drug involvement at the motel. They made contact with French in the room along with another individual identified as Victoria Bernal.

French consented to the search of the room as required by his probation. Officers searched the room and located methamphetamine and paraphernalia were located in the room Mercer stated. Officer’s learned that another individual, Joseph Holt, was expected to arrive shortly and would also have some methamphetamine in his possession. A short time later, Holt arrived and officers went out to make contact with him in the parking lot.  Mercer said that Holt threw his vehicle in reverse and began to quickly back up. Officer’s drew their weapons and demanded Holt to stop at which time he did. Holt was removed from the vehicle and taken into custody. Holt’s vehicle was searched at which time more methamphetamine were located along with hydrocodone. According to Mercer, Officers then went to a motel room in Brownwood a searched Holt’s room where they found some more paraphernalia and packaging materials.

All three individuals were arrested and taken to the Brown Co Jail where they were charged as follows:

Joseph Holt – 31 year old from Ft Worth.  Charged with Evading Arrest, Manufacture / Delivery of Controlled substance, and two counts of Possession of Controlled substance

Victoria Bernal – 20 year old from Santa Anna.  Charged with Possession of Controlled Substance

Brandon French – 19 year old from Brownwood.  Charged with Possession of Controlled Substance – Felony 3