KeepBrownwoodBeautifulLogoKeep Brownwood Beautiful (KBB) will have the In Town Mobile Recycling Trailer available on not only the first Saturday of the month but also the third Saturday.   KBB, a non-profit citizens group, has been providing, in partnership with the City of Brownwood Sanitation and Landfill Departments, in town recycling for the past five years.

“KBB acquired a mobile recycling trailer for the city with a Council of Government grant five years ago.  We knew people in Brownwood wanted an easier way to recycle and this was one option,” said Cary Perrin, KBB Program Coordinator.

The recycling rates have grown throughout the years that a second trailer has been added as well as separate collection containers for the cardboard and newspaper.

“On June 5, 2010, alone, over 6,300 pounds of recycling was collected thus diverted from the landfill” said Cary Perrin, adding “This program is only possible because of the partnership with the Sanitation Department of the city and the dedicated volunteers of KBB.”

The third Saturday in town recycling will start on July 17th under the Austin Avenue overpass at avenues A and Brady.  The times are 9am to 1pm.  The following items will be collected:  aluminum cans, metal cans, glass bottles and jars, newspaper, white office paper, cardboard, plastic milk jugs, plastic water/soda bottles, ink jet cartridges, magazines and catalogs.  Remember all your items must be clean and sorted.  There will be volunteers to help unload and locate correct bin if needed.  For more information, go to or call 641-0533.