Written by Ben Cox – With a new school year not only knocking on the door, but begging to come in, let’s take a look at what back-to-school looks like from a unique perspective: the principal. Over the next few articles, we will visit with each of Brownwood ISD’s principals to see what they think about returning to school for a new term.



We start where all students start, Elementary School. First up is Jenny Swanzy, principal at Woodland Heights Elementary. An educator with 29 years under her belt and entering her ninth year in Brownwood, Swanzy says getting the kids back is what really makes the building come to life.

“The school building is empty without all the kids and teachers, so I am looking forward to having them back. I’m excited to see everybody.”

Along with new students, at times, come new teachers and Woodland Heights has some new faces leading the young minds in their charge this year. “We have a full time RTI specialist on our campus. She’ll be providing help for the teachers and kids who need a little more time,” says Swanzy.

Heather Sweeney will be the Woodland Heights RTI specialist. She is married to Brownwood Middle School principal Richard Sweaney, who will be featured in an upcoming article.

A new full time Administrative Intern is also new this year, after a year sharing one with another campus . Administrative Intern Jeanette Lancaster will assist Swanzy in handling the day-to-day business of running the school. “Being able to get to teachers and parents quicker will help us be more efficient.”

“I’ve always loved seeing kids grow. I like seeing kids that maybe have not been successful that we can help be successful. I’m passionate about changing lives through education. It’s not just a job, it’s about the lives we touch and the relationships we make.”

Swanzy says “We’re here to embrace your family and be part of your child’s life for however long they are here.” She also encourages parents of new students to become part of the Woodland Heights team by volunteering.

Meet the Teacher is on the 20th from 4 p.m. until 6, and school starts two days later on the 22nd. Start time on the 22nd is 7:50 a.m. and school lets out at 3:15.