
The Brownwood Regional Medical Center Volunteers held their Annual Awards Luncheon at the Brownwood Country Club on May 14, 2015. The luncheon was presided over by Leona Jerden, 2014 – 2015 outgoing President of the Volunteers.  Guest speaker Dallas Houston praised those in attendance for their caring dedication to helping both the patients and staff at the medical center.

A total of twenty-two volunteers received service pins and/or bars for their volunteer service at BRMC. Each of the service awards were presented by Donna Hair, BRMC Marketing Director.

Those volunteers receiving service awards were:

Mary Lively – 150 Hour Service Pin

Nona Giddens, Harold Spivey, and Shirley Sullivan – 500 Hour Service Bars

Sarah Boyd, Disa Carruth,Jeanie Guest, and Ruth Pierce– 1000 Hour Service Bars

Lucy Harkey, and Pauline McBride – 3500 Hour Service Bars

Marilynn Jackson – 5000 Hour Service Bars

Grace Gray, Leona Jerden, and Jim Ruder – 7500 Hour Service Bars

Dale Masey -10,000 Hour Service Bar

JoAnn Goodwin – 12,000 Hour Service Bar

Jolene Cook, JoAnn Goodwin, Becky Korenek, and Brenda Perkin – 10 Year Service Bars

Verna Bolton, Grace Gray, and Leona Jerden – 15 Year Service Bars

Julia Taylor – 30 Year Service Bar

Pictured above are BRMC Volunteer Officers installed for the 2015 – 2016 Volunteer Year: (from left) Leona Jerden –Parliamentarian, JoAnn Hurt – Vice President, Membership, JoAnn Goodwin – President, Betty Beyer – President Elect, and Joyce Curbo – Secretary. New Officers also installed and not in this photo are: Elaine Centofanti – Treasurer, Reta Bell – Assistant Treasurer, Suzanne Prosise – Gift Shop Manager, and Jim Ruder – Publicity.

BRMC Volunteering allows caring individuals to be helpful to others, to develop and grow personally, to gain a sense of achievement, to be creative, and to be part of a team.

The BRMC Volunteers are always excited to meet area individuals who are interested in becoming a volunteer. Opportunities for volunteering are available in 8 service areas:  Information Desk, Intensive Care Unit Waiting, Emergency Room Waiting, Day Surgery Waiting, Surgery Waiting, the gift shop, the book cart, and the tray favors committee.

Those interested in serving as a BRMC Volunteer, and can serve 6 hours per month may obtain a BRMC Volunteer application in the BRMC gift shop, at the front entrance information desk, online at or by calling the BRMC Volunteer office at 325-649-3399 and leaving a message.