This coming week teachers, aides, staff members, and administrators from all over the district will descend upon the high school campus for training and in-service. With so many changes in our district and with more changes coming from the state, there is no telling what will happen next. As a teacher, I can sometimes find myself overwhelmed when I look at the grand scheme of things and how things are changing in education nationwide. This is when I find I have to remind myself that education, for all its systemic flaws, is a network of people who have been called to dedicate their lives to helping others. I look around and see teachers, some of whom were my own teachers, still teaching and am in awe of the way they are able to touch others’ lives and make a difference. (They know who they are!)
I also see the administrators – trying to juggle policy, finances, student need, and teacher need – and still manage to keep some semblance of sanity. As many people know, when there is a problem it usually falls upon the administrators to find a way to solve it. Their jobs are not always pleasant, but I sincerely hope the reward for them is great. Goodness knows many educators would never want to be an administrator!
Parents are such key players in the education of our kids. Administrators know this, teachers know this, and I hope the parents know this! The way a parent helps a child, encourages a child, supports a child, and emphasizes the importance of education and responsibility all help cultivate a society of hard working, motivated, educated citizens. I am also a parent, and I know how hard it can be to juggle job, house, and kids. Bless all the parents who do this so well and I hope those who struggle find the help and support they need!
All those people behind the scenes: secretaries, aides, librarians, maintenance workers, counselors, social workers. Where the parents, teachers, and administrators are the eyes and ears of education, these behind the scenes people provide the muscles and form that make it all work. They keep our buildings functional and clean, our paperwork in order, our money safe, and give everyone a smiling face to see as they enter any building.
Together, all the people involved with education – from the parents and teachers to the administrators and the behind the scenes people – all combine to form the heart of education and to define our purpose. And what is our purpose? Our purpose is to teach children of all ages and shapes and colors and sizes. We want to teach them to question, to explore, to think, to read, to write, to analyze. Our goal is simple: help our kids grow to be their very best.
So as everyone returns this week for training, be sure to keep these people in mind, for theirs is not an easy task. If you know someone in education – in any capacity – tell them thank you.
As for me….well, my classroom is not quite finished yet and my eyes are glazing over. Through it all, though, I am proud and happy to be a teacher!
Christine Moore currently holds a degree from Howard Payne University and recently earned her master’s degree in curriculum and instruction. She will begin working on her PhD this September. Married with four children, Christine teaches 6th grade reading in Brownwood and has been working in education at various levels for the past 15 years. Her husband, Jeremy, owns a local company that specializes in web design, custom computer builds, and on-location repair called DreamSoft Design at www.dreamsoftdesign.com. Christine welcomes your questions and comments and would love to hear from you!