ARK_logoThe following message was issued from The Ark Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Shelter thanking the community for their ongoing support:

On behalf of the staff and  board members of The Ark Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Shelter, we would like to thank you for your part in making The Ark’s 18th Annual Mystery Dinner Theatre and Auctions a success!

Your contributions show your commitment to helping us break the cycle of domestic violence and sexual assault in our community. Whether you purchased a ticket, donated or purchased auction items or sent a monetary donation, your support is sincerely appreciated.


We would like to extend a special “Thank you” to the following:

  • Larry Mathis for 18 years of wonderful “mystery” story lines.
  • 2012 Cast Members: Toby Mathis, Juliet LeMond, J.R. Williams, Dano Dunham, Brandi Stanley, Roman Zombrano, Charlotte Tucker, Shannon McCallie, Karina Daniel and Meredith Nicks.
  • Jason Espinoza for lending his time, voice and wonderful humorous personality as the emcee.
  • Chris Cadenhead for taking time out of his very busy schedule to volunteer his talent to auctioneer.
  • Larry Bartley for all the wonderful pictures & videos.
  • Chief Mike Corley ~ Thank you for sharing your touching story with us!
  • Terry & Lahonda Blevins, we couldn’t have had the fantastic casino without your help!
  • 2012 Casino Crew: Pete Aiken, Trey Aiken, Duane Doyal, Nicole Doyal, Vic Kysor, Wesley Fletcher, Shannon Landers, Clemitra Smiley and Katie Mullins.

We want to say a very special “Thank you” to our Underwriter Sponsors that made this night possible:


Mike & Priscilla Rogers

Landmark Life


Echo Wireless Broadband

Davis-Morris Funeral Home

Mills County State Bank

Citizens National Bank

Kiwanis Club of Brownwood

Each year The Ark continues to advance its mission by providing safe shelter, comprehensive resident and non-resident services through advocacy, referrals and education to support and empower victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, one family at a time.

Through our programs we have seen many lives changed for the better.

Our goal is to continue to make a difference and help break the generational cycle of abuse. With the help of donations from supporters such as you, we will continue to see improvements.

Once again, thank you for your generous support of our cause.


Alanna Reitz-Beard

Executive Director

Below are pictures from the event courtesy Larry Bartley Photography.


Elvis entertains.


Elvis sings to attendees.


The wedding chapel.


Auctioneer Chris Cadenhead at work.


The casino.


Guests enjoying the casino.


Casino volunteers.


Brownwood Police Chief Mike Corley shares his own family’s encounter with domestic violence.