Organizers of a recent benefit for James Anderson held Saturday report the hamburger fundraiser was a huge success and wish to thank the community along with several businesses who showed support.   The fundraiser was held to help Anderson who has been battling cancer.

According to TexasBank officials, the event sold 210 hamburgers and raised more than $2300 as people “gave from the heart.”

The TexasBank Bangs branch staff and their families, Gregg Dodds and TexasBank Brownwood cooked, served and supported the event for Anderson.  They ask the public to continue to support and pray for him.

“Please keep James and other members of our TexasBank family in your daily prayers as they continue to battle this terrible disease,” asked Charlie Gravell of TexasBank in Bangs in a recent email.

Organizers wish to thank the people of Bangs and the surrounding area who came in support of the event.  They also send out a special thanks to the following businesses and individuals for their support of the benefit:


Allsup’s of Bangs

Thrift Mart

Subway of Bangs

LaFreda Kilburn & Marie Fowlkes for making the desserts served