This is a heartfelt “Thank You” to the young man who stopped to offer help with a kitten that had been struck by a car on C.R. 487 (between Rising Star and May) and left to die last Monday, September 30th.

I was returning from an errand when I noticed a very tiny body ahead in the road that was obviously hurt, but was still moving.

I stopped to see how badly injured the tiny grey kitten was and if anything could be done.  A white pickup drove up and the young man immediately stopped and came over to offer assistance.  We both knew the kitten was seriously injured and probably didn’t have a good chance of surviving.  When I mentioned my Veterinarian was in Brownwood, he didn’t hesitate for a minute.  He wrapped the kitten in a towel and offered to make the 25 mile drive to the vet.

After quickly exchanging names and cell numbers, this kind and self-less young man drove off with a bleeding, whimpering kitten to see if the vet would be able to save it.  The vet was notified and personnel were standing by and waiting to see the kitten before they left for the day.

Sadly, I got the call in less than 30 minutes that the kitten had died on the drive in to Brownwood.

They never made it to the vet’s office.

While this is not the ending I had hoped for, I want to express how wonderful it was to see such a compassionate act by the man I’ll identify only as “K”.

Never doubt that we have wonderful young men and young women in our community who value life and know how to make important decisions when a situation requires a decision be made.

My final comment is to the woman speeding south on C.R. 487 about 4pm last Monday:  Shame on you for not stopping.  I hope whatever you were rushing to do was worth more than the life of the animal you hit and killed.

-L. Beddo, Rising Star, TX