We should all as American citizens thank God on a daily basis of our freedoms that we all have in America.
It seems that near election time some folks like to use and even abuse this freedom to attempt to cut the legs out from under some of the greatest people in the world. This being said, recently a trash letter was placed on a website to belittle, degrade or grand slam the Sheriff of Brown County and his administration.
No one in his office has ever claimed to be perfect nor claimed they can walk on water.
Many decisions are made on daily basis that concern this department, this county, and the lives of approximately 70 employees under his command. Long, and yes even prayerfully, thoughts are placed into the decisions that are made.
The gossips, hostilities and negatives are usually based on half truths. As the wise old Paul Harvey would say, “Wait till you hear the rest of the story.”
It is sad that when folks have a personal problem, they attempt to incorporate their hostilities into politics. This is so wrong!!
The past seven (7) years, Brown County has been blessed to have had Bobby Grubs and his administration at the helm of the Sheriff’s Office. Collectively, this department has made Brown County a better place to live.
Let’s keep it that way and support Bobby Grubbs for another successful term.
– Les Rush, Blanket Texas