Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Brownwood District invites the public to take part in a statewide clean up day on Saturday, April 11th.
The Don’t Mess with Texas Trash-Off, a partnership between Keep Texas Beautiful and the Texas Department of Transportation, is Texas’ largest single-day litter cleanup event. Volunteers from across the state will collect litter along roadways as well as around other public places, including parks, neighborhoods and waterways.
As roadside volunteers work hard to keep our state beautiful this Saturday, TxDOT reminds drivers to stay alert, avoid distractions and exercise caution while traveling.
In 2013, approximately 435 million pieces of litter accumulated on Texas highways costing taxpayers millions of dollars to clean up.
Individuals or groups interested in volunteering to pick up trash can CLICK HERE to register online.
For more information contact Chelsea Humphrey at Chelsea.humphrey@txdot.gov or call (325) 643-0413.
The Brownwood and Early communities will also have clean up/recycling events this Saturday.
Keep Brownwood Beautiful is offering a free county wide clean up day from 8:00 a.m. – 1 p.m., under the Austin Avenue overpass, near the Brownwood Intermediate School. For more information and items that will be accepted, please visit the KBB website keepbrownwoodbeautiful.org.
The City of Early’s Beautification Commission will accept recyclable items in their trailer at Early City Hall from 8:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon.