SilverBeaverAwardThe Texas Trails Council held its annual banquet Tuesday, February 28th at the Maybee Center on the Howard Payne University campus where two distinguished men received the highest volunteer honor that the Boy Scouts of America bestows. 

Texas Trails covers seventeen and one half counties of which Brown County is near the center.

The highlight of the banquet was the awarding of the Silver Beaver, the highest award that a local council can give to its volunteers.  Chris Bell from Stephenville and Ronnie Riddle from Abilene were the recipients at this year’s banquet.  Roy Curbo of Brownwood, the Council Commissioner and chairman of the Silver Beaver selection committee made the presentations at the end of the banquet. 

Below are biographies of Bell and Riddle along with the history of the Silver Beaver Award along with the list of past recipients.

2011 Silver Beaver

Scouting beginning the U. S. on February 8, 1910 after Mr. William D. Boyce, a Chicago publisher, was lost in a fog bank on a London street.  Unfamiliar with the city and with the fog, Mr. Boyce was confronted by a boy in uniform who led him back to his hotel.  Offered a tip for his act of kindness, the boy refused stating that as a Scout, he was to perform a good act every day.  This Scout retreated into the fog and remains unknown to this day.  For this unselfish act, the unknown Scout was presented with the Silver Buffalo from the National Council.  The Silver Beaver was established for local councils to recognize the tireless devotion of volunteers in the Scouting Program.

The Boys Scouts of America, acting through the National Court of Honor, awards the Silver Beaver to recognize distinguished service to youth by a registered Scouter. 

The Silver Beaver Award is the highest volunteer recognition award presented by a local Council. Annually, a Council qualifies for one award for every 50 registered units.

RoyChristenBellRoy Christen Bell

Chris was a Cub Scout and Webelo Scout in Pack 18.  Chris was an Assistant Bear leader, an Assistant Webelos leader, and Cubmaster.  After serving as Cubmaster for four years in Pack 18, Chris moved to his current position in Troop 18 as an Assistant Scoutmaster.

In addition, Chris has have been a merit badge counselor for seven years and has directed many Cub camps from Fun and Son’s to Cub Family Camps.

He has been on staff for many years at Camp Billy Gibbons. His duties ranged from program areas to Camp Medic. 

Chris has been the “defacto” Camp Ranger for Camp Billy Gibbons for many years.  He took this job to fill a need: there was no one else available or willing to make it happen.  For many years, the water at Camp Billy Gibbons was so strong tasting that it was almost undrinkable.  Chris used his knowledge of water well systems to correct the problem making the water taste as sweet as lake water.  It passes all of the state and BSA regulations.  Chris winterizes the camp each winter saving the council potentially thousands of dollars in broken water lines and equipment.  Chris has spent untold hours at Camp Billy Gibbons with heavy equipment making repairs to the roads and parking areas using his own equipment, tools and money.  He has done an incredible job repairing and remodeling buildings at camp.  He is the “go to person” for any questions about electrical, plumbing or buildings at Camp Billy Gibbons.

He was awarded the District Award of Merit in 2009.

Chris participated in Wood Badge SR625 and was on staff for Wood Badge SR1020 as the Quarter Master.

He has also staffed Timber Tag 85, 87 and 88 from Quarter Master to Assistant SPL to Senior Patrol Leader.

Chris was awarded his Vigil Honor in 2010.

JamesRonaldRiddleJames Ronald Riddle

As a youth, Ronnie achieved Eagle Scout rank in 1971.  Later, he became involved with scouting with his son.  He settled in to troop 277, went through Timber tag training, and as scoutmaster of troop 277, grew the troop to a very large size of active boys and adults.  29 youth made eagle rank under his guidance.  He took a full crew to Philemont in 2003.  Ronnie has served on Timber Tag Staff for at least eight years.  He has been on several summer camp staffs.  He was in charge of Webelos Woods in 2004.  He has helped at many camporees.  He served as a helper in the TOP SHOT program at camp Tonkawa last summer.  He was awarded the district award of merit in 2005.  He was the head scoutmaster for two contingents from our council to the national jamboree in 2005.  He served as an assistant scoutmaster on the contingent in 2010.

During the last several months Ronnie has spent a tremendous amount of his time, money, and resources at Camp Tonkawa.  He made several trips to south Texas to pick up trailer loads of juniper posts, which he purchased with his own money.  He spent several weeks with himself, two hired hands, his tractor, and his generator removing the old fences and replacing them with new materials.  He also purchased metal for the canopies in several of the campsites.  He is currently in the process of building and refurbishing these canopies.  He is currently in the middle of a fund raising campaign for camp Tonkawa. 

Ronnie graduated from Texas Tech University in 1979 with a degree in Animal Production.  He came home and bought in to his father’s ranching and farming business in 1980.  He spent four years on the national cotton board, three years on the national cotton council, eight years as a member of the Rolling Plains Cotton Producers (the last two years as president), and six years on the Texas Cotton Producers Board.

Ronnie is a supporter of Scouting.  He has tremendous rapport with the youth.  He has great leadership skills.  He gives selflessly of his time, money, and resources to scouting.  He has had a major positive impact on the lives of many youth.  He has worked diligently at the unit, district, and council levels.

Silver Beaver and Silver Fawn Recipients of the Texas Trails Council

2011:  Roy Christen Bell and James Ronald Riddle

2010:  Carolyn Beckham, John Beckham and Greg Simmons

2009:  Doug Allmand, Janet Griffin, Leland Terry and James Thomas

2008:  Mike Dunnahoo

2007:  Paul Brown, John Cole, and Patrick Pace

2006:  James C. Beard and Dan Fergus, Jr.

2005:  Dr. John Estes, Dr. Austin King and Pamela Rider

2004:  Dan Brannan, Bob Rider and Perry A. Wakefield, Jr.

2003:  Kent Barnett and Ray Easterling

1931-2002:  Teresa Beard, John Dearing, Liz Emerson, Dan Garrett, Judge Lee Hamilton, Blair Haynie, Carl Owen Parker, Gary Stephenson, R. H. Keller, Floyd R. Price, Shirley Teague, William Stephen Ellis, Ruth Hermann, Frank T. Hilton, Larry G. Ivy, Dale Carpenter, Charley Fulton, Aivars Jurkis, Kenneth Patton, George “Jim” Anderson, Marc Griffin, Dr. Jerry Strader, Tommy Thompson, Melvin Cagle, John Clardy, Frank E. Griffin, Carle Kieke, Jerry English, Robert Musgrove, Dr. Carroll Osburn, Dr. Roger Schusteret, Dr. Joe Bob Alexander, James H. Culwell, Dr. Tom Cody Graves, Sterling ‘Kent” Phillips, Davis Weaver, Dr. Don Beach, Sheila Diane Phillips, Malcolm Price, Allen J. McDaniel, Charles Chapman, Joe Knupple, Robert Kluting, Jr., Catherine D. Knoll, James C. Johnson, Norman Bryan, Marvin R. McFadden, Henry H. McGinty, Thomas A. Ponder, Russell Dressen, Jr., Larry D. Smith,  J.D. Holbrook, E.P. Crawford, Wayne A. Jepson, David A. Krischke, Samuel Ferguson, Charles Graham, Gene Linder, William Cecil Kenney, Sam Mangrumm, Richard C. Olewine, Wallar H. Overton, David Cleveland, Billy M. Hood, Seth Moore, William H. Perry, Roy T. Curbo, T.D. “Tim” Fambrough, Kerry Fraizer, P.A., Thyra Elizabeth Smith, Allen Thomas, Patricia Deitiker, Dr. Charles H. Marler, Ben Overton, Dr. H. Miller Richert, David L. Boyll, Joe Ed Burnam, Dr. Billy I. Dipple, Tommy L. Evans, Pat Leatherwood, Sylvia Davis, James W. Erwin, Robert Fain, Dr. C.  Maurice Callan, Martin Cooke, Michael T. Noe, Claudia Wells, J. H. Bethany, Dr. Dale Brannan, Dr. Jim Brothers, Jr., Rev. Thomas Keithly, Keith Wells, Doris J. Garner, Richard L. Johnson, Jr., Dr. John Power, J. B. Boler, Clyde Lee Burns, Otey Cannon, Harry Dobbyn, Gene Overton, Earnest Pittman, W. Doyle Graves, Lucius M. Stephens, R.L. Burton, Harold Bonner, Rae Eastland, W. B. Hall, Jim Harvey, Bert Marris, Manley Webb, Edwin Burnam, Dr. T. C. Graves, Patricia Deitike, C. R. Simmons, R. M. Simmons, Roy Arledge, Oren Ellis, John R. Wood, Kenneth Day, Millie Hammond, Vernon Honea, Robert “Bob” Joy, Arlon Weems, R. Leroy Bell, Robert W. Forkner, Sr., Jesse Sexton, James Jordan, Jr., Tom Pinto, ExcellSegrest, Dr. James D. Webster,  Mrs. Davie Wood, J.C. Hunter, Jr. M. M. Machen, Robert Johnson, R. B. Wylie, C. A. Farley, E. R. Maxwell, Rev. J. A . Owen, W. R.Pickens, Rio Cox, Paul F. McCarty, Dr. P. T. Quest, Robert Bassetti, Ed Neinast, E. W. Berry, John Gibbons, A. B. Stark, A. M. Turner, Claude “Skipper” Willis, George F. Barron, John R. Hutto, Sr., C. L. Pouncey, M. S. Sellers, Nib Shaw, Lee Tesson, Lynn Ward, Frank Pellizzari, Jr., Robert Sayles, L. W. “Bill” Cain, Lois Gee, Reecie R. Jones, Nelson Wilson, Sr.,  Eddie Brink, Frank Fite, Dr. William Kemp, Dr. William G. Lynn, Jack Merrill, Glen Reed, Joe E. Rogers, Firman H. Smith, Mary Linda Thompson,  Clarence Day, J. O. Ferguson, William Jessup, Judge E. J. Miller, Leslie T. Reed, Homer Tudor, Dr. C. E. Adams, John F. Bailey, Ed S . Stewart, Sr., Henry Wilson, Sr., Dave Parsons, Grady Pipkin, W. J. Behrens, C. M. Caldwell, S.M. Jay, R. Floyd Price, W. Graham Webb, Jr., Dr. Jewel Daugherty, Russell B. Jones, Rev. R. K. McCall, Dr. O. E. Winebrenner, Rev. E. B. Surface, Judge James P. Stinson, John Lanier, Vic Alexander, Elmo C. Letbetter, J. Ben Sellers, Harold Yaubrough, John A. Bates, Paul Brown, Holland Cogdell, Judge A. O. Newman, E. M. Connell, Paul A. Cunyus, James D. King, Lee Ballew,  Weldon Johnson, C. J. Dalton, James Michael Kesler, Ben L. High, Lloyd D. McGrew, James C. Rominger, Roger W. Sporisky, Tommy M. Broyles, Winston Heidenheimer, Ritch Keeble, Joe H. Whisnant, Joe A. Bentley, Lester W. Goswick, James Perkins, William M. Pardue, Billy D. Ray, Carl Ray Childers, Ermin Meyer, James O. Murphree, Lloyd Tanner, Dr. James C. Terrell, Jr., Jimmy W. Wilkins, Janie Alexander, James M. Gidley, James Simpson, Donald Smith, Jack Cadenhead, James T. Randolph, Neal Pepper, Duane Unrue, Walter Walske, Wade Andrews, Dr. Nathan Cedars, Carroll L. Kearney, Bernice Wolfe, Werner Bendorf, Charles Conradt, Patricia P. Smith, Bobbie Lee Wolfe, Frankie Ayers, Claud W. Boes, Billy R. Davis, Bruce N. Jones, Dr. J. C. Terrell, Sr.,  J. Neil Daniel, Warren Duren, Maurice Hufstedler, Edith Cunningham Row, Abe Turner, Fred Bennett, Mable Overton, Derwood Langton, Carl Barton, Joe Roeder, Dr. Joe Humphrey, George Gray, W. W. Pyeatt, Raymond Fain, John Wistl, Dr. Joe Paul Alexander, G. L. Wood, Hugh Colbert, Ralph Walker, Garland Browning, Max Polen, Doyle Elich, Charles Robinson, A. E. Wells, A. R. Elam, Jr., Dr. M. D. Mann, John Thompson, Joe Breed, Steve Rowe, I. A. Russell, Edd Smart, Giles Bradford, H. D. Norris