A special visit was paid to the Brownwood City Council by Major General Peters, Commanding General of the Texas State Guard, on Tuesday, September 27, 2011 when he presented a special gift of thanks for the City of Brownwood and to Brownwood High School for their military support.
Major General Peters presented Brownwood Mayor Stephen Haynes and Brownwood High School Principal Bill Faircloth and Brownwood Alternative High School Principal David McCullough with plaques of appreciation for “Outstanding service and support of the Texas State Guard” during their annual training which was held in Brownwood during the summer. Approximately 1200 troops from all over the state came to Brownwood and participated in training at Camp Bowie and Brownwood High School.
Hundreds of men and women came for training for disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding and much more. Classes held during the training included Texas Emergency Tracking Network (TETN), the National Incident Management System, mass care operations, wide area damage assessment, global positioning system operations, first aid, land navigation, radio communications and command post operations among other activities. Additionally, several professional military education courses will be conducted to include the Primary Leadership Development Course and the Basic Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) Course.
During their training at Camp Bowie, many of the classes were held at Brownwood High School. Use of this facility was very much appreciated by the TXSG who found it to be a great facility with ample classroom space and easily utilized for such training.
“Brownwood has gone out of its way to support us, Brownwood ISD was very generous to allow us use of their classrooms at the high school for this training,” stated Major General Peters.
In the spring of 2012, the TXSG plans to have another event which will involve disaster training with the City of Brownwood.
Pictured above are Major General Peters and Mayor Haynes. Pictured below are Major General Peters and Mayor Haynes with Brownwood ISD Principals Faircloth and McCullough. See video below for presentations: To Brownwood in two parts and to Brownwood High School.
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