
Texas Commissioner of Education Mike Morath made a stop in Brownwood on August 11, 2016 to visit with Brownwood ISD staff as they prepare for the beginning of the new school year, August 22nd.

Brownwood ISD Superintendent, Dr. Joe Young invited the commissioner to tour Brownwood High School with stops that included teacher in-service training, a tour of the Health Sciences classroom and facilities, and a brief question and answer period in the BHS library with some of the teachers in the district.

“We are appreciative that Commissioner Morath chose to visit Brownwood ISD,” said Young.  “He was able to see first-hand what I see on a daily basis: teachers and staff working hard to help students excel.”

Morath discussed concerns, praises, and improvement opportunities for the Texas educational system and sat face to face with teachers as they asked him questions on topics ranging from standardized testing to teacher evaluations.

“Through our in-service sessions, our CTE pathways discussion, and his open dialogue with teachers, he was able to see and hear what makes Brownwood a special place,” noted Young. “He also heard the concerns and obstacles our teachers and students face. He provided us his observations on how great districts across Texas are attacking those same problems. Again, we appreciate his time and look forward to our continued work together for kids.”

Above: Texas Education Commissioner Mike Morath tours Brownwood High School with BISD Superintendent, Dr. Joe Young and Deputy Superintendent, Liesa Land.

Below: Brownwood ISD teachers meet with Texas Education Commissioner, Mike Morath during his visit on August 11.
