Thursday night around 11:30pm, a 17-year-old male was assaulted and robbed while riding a bicycle down Southside, near the intersection of Poindexter according to Brownwood Police.

The victim told police that he was riding his bike when a truck with several occupants began swerving at him, stopping in front of him, and honking at him as he rode down the street.  This continued until one of the passengers got out of the vehicle and began hitting the teen.   After the attack ended, the victim noticed his backpack had been taken along with his Xbox 360, some Xbox games and controllers which it contained. 

According to the victim, the suspect vehicle was going slowly, so he ran toward it, jumping into the driver’s side window in order to get his property back.  Once inside the vehicle, the occupants began hitting the teen again.  He told police that he grabbed the steering wheel and began honking the horn in order to get help.   According to the teen, he was then thrown from the vehicle and one of the suspects continued assaulting him.  When the attack finally stopped, the suspect jumped back into the vehicle which fled the scene.   Due to his injuries and bleeding, the victim was unable to see clearly to provide a description of his attacker.

When the responding officer went to the scene of the attack, he found a 12 inch crescent wrench spattered with blood along with some tufts of hair apparently lost during the struggle.  The officer stated in the report that “whoever assaulted the victim hit him so hard it caused blood spatter and tufts of hair to be torn from his head.” 

Police are continuing to actively investigate this crime and are following up on several leads.  No arrests have been made as of Friday afternoon.