sanangeloteapartyThe San Angelo Tea Party committee is hosting a “Texas Size Tea Party” in Brownwood on Thursday, February 18th at the Brownwood High School Auditorium with several candidates scheduled to appear.

Debra Medina, candidate for Texas governor, and Chris Younts, who is running for US Congress, District 11 will appear along with Will Bratton who is running for Texas House, District 59 (District 59 includes Erath, Comanche, Somerville, Mills, Hamilton, and Coryell Counties).  They will also be joined by former state representative Suzanna Hupp.

Immediately following the Texas Sized Tea Party, the candidates will be available for questions. Suzanna Hupp will be available for a book signing.

The event will be held from 6pm-9pm that evening and there is room for up to 600 people.

Medina is facing incumbent Rick Perry and Kay Bailey Hutchinson for governor in the March 2nd Republican primary.  Younts is facing incumbent Mike Conaway and Al Cowan for US Representative, District 11.

State Representative Jim Keffer is running unopposed in the Republican primary in District 60 which includes Brownwood.