A Brownwood family whose residence is just blocks from Coggin Park recently encountered what they considered an aggressive salesman in a situation they said “could have been tragic.”

The persistent salesman, 25-year-old Stephen Ray Tamez of Mesquite, made two visits to the home over the weekend and on the second visit, he refused to leave the property until the homeowner brandished a gun insisting the salesman leave, according to the homeowner.  Police arrived minutes later to investigate the situation which resulted in the arrest of Tamez on a warrant from Collin County for Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon.

According to the homeowner, Wayne Goforth, the incident began with a knock on his door at 9:00pm Saturday night.  Goforth’s wife went to answer the door and noted that someone was trying to open it, attempting to turn the knob even before she could answer it, according to the homeowner.

Goforth said that when she opened the door, she was surprised to find a security alarm salesman out at such a late hour for business.  Although she expressed that she was not interested in his product, the man continued his sales pitch, leaving her only with the option of shutting the door in the man’s face, according to Goforth.

The next day, the family was returning from church and saw the same salesman walking down their street toward their home.  Once home, Mr. Goforth stated that he watched to make sure the salesman didn’t cause any problems for the family.   Goforth said that the salesman came up to the home and began looking through the window of one of the family’s vehicles.  Goforth opened his front door and called out to the man to see what he was doing, and the man did not answer at first and then replied that he was looking for the address of Goforth’s home.

“I told him, ‘not in my van you aren’t’,” said Goforth.  “Then I told him to get off my property.”

Goforth stated that the man said “no sir” and began walking toward him at that time.  Goforth repeated that he wanted the man off of his property and again got a response of “no sir.”   Goforth said that when he reached into his pocket and produced a gun and again told the man to get off his property, the man stated, “yes sir.”

Goforth then called the Brownwood Police, who he stated arrived in just a few minutes time.  The suspect was located and arrested.  Tamez was held on $3000 bond and transported to Collin County regarding the warrant.

Brownwood News verified the incident with Brownwood Assistant Chief of Police James Fuller who stated that the security company the man worked for did not have a permit as required by the City of Brownwood for door-to-door sales.

“The public should know that if they have questions about a salesperson, ask to see a copy of their city permit,” stated Fuller.  “If they cannot provide one, don’t visit with them.”

Brownwood City Ordinance Section 18-172 states in part:  “It shall be unlawful for any transient vendor to sell, offer for sale, exhibit for sale or for the purpose of taking orders for the sale of any goods or merchandise in the city without first obtaining a permit as provided for in this section.”