Analysis of a suspicious bone found earlier this month by students near Brownwood High School revealed that it was not human, but a bone of a pig.

A group of Brownwood High School students were in a field near the high school, assigned to do an experiment on April 12, when they found a bone which at the time was thought to possibly be human.

The class was collecting information when some of the students found what they called a “cool bone” according to Brownwood Police.  Upon returning to school, they began comparing it to the human skeletal replica in class and were surprised when it was a close match to a human femur.

According to Brownwood Police, Teacher Kristy Owen didn’t think much of the bone until the students compared it to the skeleton in class.  She contacted the campus policeman, who took the bone to the Brownwood Regional Medical Center to see it they could determine its species.  One of the doctors came to the conclusion that the certainty of the bone being human could not be proven at the time and that it could easily be the femur bone of a young animal due to its having visible growth plates the police reports state.

The bone was then sent by Brownwood Police Department to a crime lab for the determination.  Confirmation of the bone’s species was received and later released on Thursday morning.  According to the BPD, the results confirmed that the bone was not human but that of a pig, putting to rest the many rumors of its human origin.