Brownwood Police were called to Brownwood Regional Medical Center in reference to a patient that had been brought to the hospital with stab wounds in the early morning hours of New Years Day.  The police reports indicate that doctors and nurses advised the investigating officer that the victim was extremely intoxicated and had been stabbed four times.

The female victim told police that she had been at a party on Brewster Street drinking shots of Crown Royal with her sister and a friend.  She further stated that an acquaintance, whose family and the victim’s family have a history of feuding, had entered the room and began arguing with and punching the victim’s sister.  In efforts to protect her sister, the victim “jumped into the middle of the argument”.

According to police reports, the suspect briefly left before returning to warn party goers that the police were outside and going to break up the party.  As people began exiting the house, the victim and suspect exited through a back bedroom window into the backyard, where they continued to argue according to the reports.  The suspect began what the victim thought to be punching her in the stomach.  When the assailant ran off, she noted being light headed, looked down to see her stomach area bleeding and knew she had been stabbed according to the reports.  She walked to the front of the house for help where she found her friend who drove her to the hospital.

As of Monday morning, the incident was under investigation and no arrests had been made.