Area residents, Texas Ranger fans, and individuals across the country have been moved by the news of the death of Brownwood firefighter Lt. Shannon Stone. The tragic accident has been the focus of local, state, and national news outlets and has generated numerous requests from the public wanting to help the family.
Brownwood City Hall officials report that they have received a large volume of calls from individuals across the state and country wanting to donate in support of the Stone family. has also received numerous email requests wanting to know how they can help support the family.
As an example, one request reads: I am an avid Rangers fan and I can tell you the Ranger family is in mourning over the death of Mr. Stone. We are looking for information about a memorial fund that may have been set up.
CLICK HERE for details on how to contribute to the Shannon Stone Memorial Fund.
Area residents and officials are stunned at the news of 39-year-old Shannon Stone’s death after falling about 20 feet from the stands during the Rangers game. Stone was with his 6-year-old son at the time.
At a press conference Friday in Brownwood, Mayor Stephen Haynes, Fire Chief Del Albright, and City Manager Bobby Rountree discussed the tragic events that took place at Rangers Ballpark in Arlington last night.
Shannon Stone was described as a dedicated firefighter and devoted father rarely seen without his son, sometimes even bringing him to work.
Mayor Haynes that he was at the game last night, and commented that most people in the ballpark didn’t even know Stone had passed away until after the game. Haynes said that a loud gasp could be heard throughout the ballpark when Stone fell.
Firefighters and police officers are holding a Benefit Barbecue for Shannon Stone’s family Friday, July 8 at 3 p.m. at the Law Enforcement Center, 1050 W Commerce.
The Cleburne High School Class of 1990 also said that they are hosting a “Celebrate Shannon’s Life” event next Friday, July 15th, at the Caddo Street Grill in Cleburne. Donations raised will go to the Stone family. Shannon Stone grew up in Cleburne where he still has many friends.