When the kids first began to arrive for the computer camp, I was wondering why more hadn’t signed up. Then all became clear to me when I was asked, “Is this just going to be a lot of typing?” Well, I am very happy to report that the only typing we have done has been to type in search terms and URL addresses! After spending a day with copyright and fair use, then researching our topic, the kids have been “playing”. They are looking up the best vacation spots and creating presentations for them! Yesterday they began working with keynotes (like PowerPoint, on a Mac), and iMovie. We played with sounds, images, and transitions. Then my co-teacher and I told them, “Ok…go play!”
And they did!
All around us the sounds of boings and gongs, country music and head-banging rock music, reggae and Hawaiian music filled the air. With the music was the palpable feel of excitement. These kids are having fun! Some are preparing scripts to read as they plan to be part of their own videos. Some are still playing with photos and sounds. All are engaged and learning and will be ready next year when a teacher puts a laptop in front of them and wants them to create a project.
This was our goal. When we first began planning for this week, our goal was to help them be ready and feel more comfortable with the laptops when the school year begins. We have a mix of both incoming fifth and sixth graders. At the end of our two hours, we go to the cafeteria where we all sit together and enjoy the meals the cafeteria crew has prepared for all who care to come.
There’s a lot of laughter from the time these kids arrive for our camp until they leave after lunch. The sense of discovery and exploration is what makes it exciting! The fact that we are playing with computers is what makes it fun!
We may have to do this again…..
In the meantime…another day of camp approaches, and we are going to look at citing our sources at the end of these creative presentations they are building. Watch our website – we’ll be posting their work there soon!
Happy trails to you from the computer campers of BIS!
Christine Moore currently holds a degree from Howard Payne University and recently earned her master’s degree in curriculum and instruction. She is now working on her Ph.D. in Educational Technology at Walden University. Married with four children who attend Brownwood schools, Christine teaches 6th grade reading in Brownwood and has been working in education at various levels for the past 15 years. Christine welcomes your questions and comments and would love to hear from you!