
Officer Anna Sturgeon of the Brownwood Police Department was honored with a Life Saving Award for her actions of preventing a juvenile female from jumping off the Bill Monroe Overpass in June 6 of this year.

Chief of Police Michael Corley presented Sturgeon with a medal at Tuesday’s Brownwood City Council meeting. 

“I’m so proud of Anna.  This is a great honor for us to be able to give this award to Anna,” stated Chief Corley.  “When you think about police work, you think about all this fun stuff, like chasing bad guys.   I don’t think whether you are a firefighter, a paramedic or a policeman or whatever– the saving of another human life, I don’t think there’s a better, more honorable thing you can do.”

Corley explained that these awards are rare. 

“I have been in the police business for 37 years and have personally been aware of only 15, maybe 20 life saving awards, so this doesn’t happen every day so it is a special thing,” said Corley.  “We don’t just give this out to anybody.” 

According to Corley, there is a process of approval before a life saving award can be presented.  Sgt. Art Shannon nominated Sturgeon for the award.  A committee interviews witnesses, and then recommends the potential recipient to the Chief of Police who reviews and approves it.

In a letter which is now in Sturgeon’s personnel file at Brownwood Police Department, Corley explained the events and her heroism.

“Officer Sturgeon responded to the Bill Monroe Overpass regarding a juvenile problem.  Upon arrival she recognized that a juvenile female was attempting to take her own life.  Sturgeon took immediate action by physically controlling the female as she attempted to climb onto the railing.  She then removed her from the scene and contacted appropriate personnel to make sure she received the assistance she needed to deal with her depression.”

Family, friends and coworkers were present for the presentation of the medal and honored Sturgeon for her efforts with a reception afterward.

Pictured above is Officer Sturgeon receiving the medal from Chief Corley.