

On Thursday, March 22nd, kindergarten and pre-k students at Northwest Elementary gathered outside for some fun experimentation in the name of science.  The wind that day made for surprisingly easy bubble-blowing conditions as students moved through different stations set up to test the bubble-making properties of various liquids. “The students compared and contrasted the bubbles and graphed the data,” said Candace Wilson, Vice Principal at Northwest Elementary.  Liquids that were compared included corn syrup, Glycerin, Dawn dish soap, laundry soap, a pre-made mix, a sugar and Dawn mix, water, and Ivory dish soap.

The activity was part of “Super Science Week” that also included studies and experiments in other scientific areas including volcanoes, chemical and physical reactions and electricity.

There were four classes involved in the week-long focus on science.  Mr. Taylor, Mrs. Stansbury, Mrs. Cooper, and Mrs. Cyr guided their classes through the various scientific exercises and helped the students collect and analyze the results.

This is the first Super Science Week held at Northwest Elementary and plans are already underway to bring it back again next year.

Pictured top:  Camilla Hernandez enjoys making bubbles during “Super Science Week” at Northwest Elementary.


Above: Garrett Hall is impressed by the wind-created bubbles during “Super Science Week” at Northwest Elementary.


Above: Trinity Jones tests the bubble-making properties of soap during “Super Science Week” at Northwest Elementary.