coldSevere weather will be possible with the arrival of a strong cold front on Saturday. Much colder air will follow the passage of the front, accompanied by strong, gusty north winds. Winter precipitation is expected to develop late Saturday night into Sunday, continuing through Sunday night before ending during the day Monday.

1. Strong to severe thunderstorms will be possible Saturday, mainly during the afternoon and evening with the arrival of the cold front. The severe weather threat area is primarily south and east of an Ozona to Abilene to Albany line. The main severe weather concerns include large hail, damaging winds and perhaps an isolated tornado. Frequent lightning and locally heavy rainfall could also accompany the storms.

2. Much colder air will invade west central Texas behind the cold front late Saturday afternoon and evening. North winds will increase to over 20 mph, with gusts to 35 mph possible. This may lead to difficult driving conditions for high profile vehicles on east- west roadways. The gusty north winds are expected to continue through Sunday night.

3. Rain is expected to change over to snow across the western part of the area, west of a Sweetwater to Mertzon line and into northwestern Crockett County, by Sunday morning. A mix of rain, sleet and snow will be possible during the day Sunday farther east to Abilene, San Angelo and Ozona. A transition to all snow is expected to occur from west to east across much of west central Texas by Sunday evening.

4. Hazardous driving conditions will likely develop across area roadways Sunday into Monday morning across the big country and parts of the Concho Valley into Crockett County, with the possibility of heavy snowfall and temperatures dropping below freezing. Although it is too early to pinpoint snowfall amounts, significant snowfall amounts will be possible across these areas, including the cities of Abilene, Anson, Sweetwater, and sterling city. Depending on the exact track of the storm system … The possibility of heavy snowfall may extend south and east to San Angelo, Ballinger and Coleman Sunday night.

5. This storm system will adversely impact travel across a large area of west Texas into New Mexico, with heavy snow and blowing snow. While confidence is increasing that a larger western portions of west central Texas will be also be impacted by this winter storm, uncertainty remains with some of the details. Area residents and those with travel plans over the weekend and into Monday are encouraged to check the latest forecasts and updates on this upcoming winter storm. Alternate travel plans may need to be considered.