EarlyPDLogoThe Early Police Department will participate in a state-wide warrant roundup beginning March 5, 2016. More than 340 law enforcement agencies across Texas will be concentrating their efforts and working together to address non-compliance with court orders.

“If you do not resolve your unanswered tickets, citations, or complaints, then you may be subject to arrest,” explained Early Chief of Police David Mercer.  “If you are stopped while driving your vehicle and arrested, your vehicle may be impounded, which would result in additional tow and storage fees. Please take care of your tickets now to avoid arrest.”

Mercer further explained that those who voluntarily appear to take care of their tickets with Early Municipal Court will not be arrested.  Those unable to pay are encouraged to contact the court to discuss options that may be available to resolve matters with the Court.

The City of Early Municipal Court is open Monday-Friday from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. at Early Police Department, located at 960 Early Blvd in Early, Texas.

For more information, contact the Court at (325) 646-5322.  Those who know they have a ticket can pay online by visiting the City of Early’s website and looking up tickets by driver’s license number and date of birth or your ticket number.

Those with tickets that have become a warrant and have already been turned to collections may contact the collections department at 1-866-955-5455.  Payment of balance due may be made in-person with cash, credit/debit card, money order, or cashier’s check; however, no personal checks are accepted.