Zephyr hosted the Star of Texas Relays this week. 

Goldthwaite High School took first place in both boys and girls teams with Coleman taking second place in both.

See full results below.

Girls 100 Meter Dash


Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points



1 Capps, Courtney              Eden                              13.11   10

2 Roberts, Leanna              Coleman                           13.27    8

3 Warren, Jordan               Weatherford Chri                  13.54    6

4 Crawford, Chelsea            Weatherford Chri                  13.55    4

5 McKennon, Alyssa             Santo                             13.59    2

6 Andress, 1                   Santo                             13.71    1


Girls 200 Meter Dash


Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points


1 Capps, Courtney              Eden                              28.24    9

1 Guram, Kyndall               Hill School                       28.24    9

3 Warren, Jordan               Weatherford Chri                  28.47    6

4 Dority, Megan                Coleman                           29.76    4

5 Andress, 1                   Santo                             29.78    2

6 Perry, Sara                  Cherokee                          29.86    1


Girls 400 Meter Dash


Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points


1 Guram, Kyndall               Hill School                     1:08.98   10

2 Rylant, Tara                 Coleman                         1:09.87    8

3 McGlaun, Chloe               Santo                           1:09.93    6

4 Mitchell, Mikayla            Goldthwaite                     1:09.94    4

5 Cloyd, Stephanie             Goldthwaite                     1:09.97    2

6 Landeros, Samantha           Goldthwaite                     1:10.02    1


Girls 800 Meter Run


Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points


1 Wilson, Hayley               Goldthwaite                     2:29.41   10

2 King, 1                      Zephyr                          2:39.12    8

3 Rylant, Tara                 Coleman                         2:43.78    6

4 McGlaun, Chloe               Santo                           2:47.75    4

5 Burkett, A                   Zephyr                          2:47.78    2

6 Torres, Betty                Panther Creek                   2:48.52    1


Girls 1600 Meter Run


Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points


1 Smith, 1                     Zephyr                          6:08.65   10

2 Hood, Lena                   Priddy                          6:25.73    8

3 Fuentes, Ana                 Paint Rock                      6:31.56    6

4 Castillo, Amanda             Goldthwaite                     6:32.02    4

5 White, Suzy                  Goldthwaite                     6:38.64    2

6 Robbins, Mckenzie            Gustine                         6:48.09    1


Girls 3200 Meter Run


Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points


1 King, 1                      Zephyr                         13:28.53

2 Hood, Lena                   Priddy                         13:55.82

3 Schrank, Daimia              Priddy                         14:57.28

4 Badillo, Karla               Gustine                        15:04.29

5 Fuentes, Ana                 Paint Rock                     15:31.39


Girls 100 Meter Hurdles


Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points


1 Ethridge, Mary               Coleman                           16.93   10

2 Hartman, Hannanh             Santa Anna                        17.43    8

3 Cook, Chelsea                Weatherford Chri                  19.05    6

4 Goen, 1                      Santo                             19.21    4

5 Sterner, Mackenzie           Santo                             19.54    2

6 Birk, Cheyenne               Santo                             19.71    1


Girls 300 Meter Hurdles


Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points


1 Ethridge, Mary               Coleman                           47.41   10

2 Johnson, Hannah              Goldthwaite                       51.74    8

3 Hartman, Hannanh             Santa Anna                        51.86    6

4 Goen, 1                      Santo                             53.81    4

5 Perry, Sara                  Cherokee                          56.30    2

6 Vernon, 1                    Zephyr                            56.49    1


Girls 4×100 Meter Relay


School                                               Seed     Finals  Points


1 Goldthwaite  ‘A’                                               52.28   20

2 Coleman  ‘A’                                                   53.36   16

3 Santo  ‘A’                                                     54.43   12

4 Weatherford Christain  ‘A’                                     55.11    8

5 Richland Springs  ‘A’                                          57.32    4

6 Coleman JV  ‘A’                                                57.77    2


Girls 4×200 Meter Relay


School                                               Seed     Finals  Points


1 Goldthwaite  ‘A’                                             1:48.92   20

2 Coleman  ‘A’                                                 1:56.69   16

3 Richland Springs  ‘A’                                        2:04.63   12

4 Coleman JV  ‘A’                                              2:05.76    8

5 Lometa  ‘A’                                                  2:06.29    4

6 Eden  ‘A’                                                    2:06.32    2


Girls 4×400 Meter Relay


School                                               Seed     Finals  Points


1 Goldthwaite  ‘A’                                             4:11.03   20

2 Coleman  ‘A’                                                 4:34.83   16

3 Zephyr  ‘A’                                                  4:50.58   12


Girls High Jump


Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points


1 Gowin, 1                     Santo                           5-00.00

2 Strickland, Erin             Coleman                         4-10.00

3 Landeros, Samantha           Goldthwaite                     4-08.00

4 King, 1                      Zephyr                         J4-08.00

5 Prosche, 1                   Goldthwaite                     4-06.00

6 Jamison, Kirstie             Coleman                         4-04.00


Girls Pole Vault


Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points


1 Hartman, Hannanh             Santa Anna                      8-00.00   10

2 Hanks, B                     Zephyr                          7-00.00    8

3 Burkett, A                   Zephyr                         J7-00.00    6

4 Diaz, K                      Coleman                         6-06.00    4


Girls Long Jump


Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points


1 Roberts, Leanna              Coleman                        14-11.00   10

2 Warren, Jordan               Weatherford Chri               14-03.00    8

3 Rylant, Lura                 Coleman                        13-09.00    6

4 Wilson, Hayley               Goldthwaite                   J13-09.00    4

5 Hall, Chy                    Brookesmith                    13-08.00    2

6 Sterner, Mackenzie           Santo                          13-01.50    1


Girls Triple Jump


Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points


1 Wilson, Hayley               Goldthwaite                    32-01.50   10

2 Guram, Kyndall               Hill School                    30-10.00    8

3 VanRemmen, Sarah             Santo                          28-06.00    6

4 Smith, 1                     Zephyr                         27-05.00    4

5 Barrow, Jessica              Blanket                       J27-05.00    2

6 Mitchell, Mikayla            Goldthwaite                    26-00.00    1


Girls Shot Put


Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points


1 Neely, Chesney               Goldthwaite                    37-05.75   10

2 Williams, 1                  Lometa                         33-03.75    8

3 Fox, Sarah                   Hill School                    30-04.00    6

4 Bastardo, Brittany           Victory Life                   28-04.50    4

5 Moreland, Lauren             Goldthwaite                    28-02.25    2

6 Stewart, Angel               Coleman JV                     28-00.00    1

— Smith, Hailea                Panther Creek                        DQ


Girls Discus Throw


Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points


1 Neely, Chesney               Goldthwaite                   121-01.50

2 Williams, 1                  Lometa                            91-05

3 Fox, Sarah                   Hill School                    87-08.75

4 Bozeman, B                   Zephyr                         84-10.25

5 Patton, Tandi                Victory Life                      81-04

6 Perez, Julia                 Goldthwaite                       73-08


Boys 100 Meter Dash


Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points


1 Myers, Matt                  Hill School                       11.23   10

2 Hankins, 1                   Coleman                           11.24    8

3 Lemus, Pablo                 Gustine                           11.39    6

4 Wiedl, L                     Zephyr                            11.45    4

5 Powell, Kelton               Panther Creek                     11.61    2

6 Ramirez, Jerod               Blanket                           11.81    1


Boys 200 Meter Dash


Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points


1 McKennon, Aaron              Santo                             23.60   10

2 Marquez, Refael              Blanket                           23.76    8

3 Myers, Matt                  Hill School                       23.90    6

4 Seay, Bridger                Santo                             24.17    4

5 Head, Gary                   Goldthwaite                       24.18    2

6 Starky, 1                    Novice                            24.82    1


Boys 400 Meter Dash


Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points


1 Montelongo, Jorge            Goldthwaite                       51.62   10

2 McKennon, Aaron              Santo                             52.38    8

3 Miller, Garrett              Blanket                           54.81    6

4 Starky, 1                    Novice                            56.32    4

5 Modesitt, Brooks             Weatherford Chri                  56.39    2

6 Delgadillo, C                Novice                            56.84    1


Boys 800 Meter Run


Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points


1 Losoya, Manuel               Goldthwaite                     2:09.60   10

2 Hagood, Cullen               Victory Life                    2:17.15    8

3 Long, Tim                    Santo                           2:20.04    6

4 Lamb, Jacob                  Blanket                         2:23.75    4

5 Porter, 1                    Evant                           2:26.67    2

6 Butterfras, TJ               Goldthwaite                     2:27.22    1


Boys 1600 Meter Run


Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points


1 Santiago, Jonathan           Paint Rock                      5:03.99   10

2 Rhodes, Ross                 Priddy                          5:08.13    8

3 Salazar, 1                   Santa Anna                      5:22.00    6

4 Long, Tim                    Santo                           5:29.43    4

5 Dozier, Andy                 Cherokee                        5:29.71    2

6 Vasquez, 1                   Coleman                         5:31.59    1


Boys 3200 Meter Run


Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points


1 Santiago, Jonathan           Paint Rock                     10:59.08   10

2 Rhodes, Ross                 Priddy                         11:20.30    8

3 Salazar, 1                   Santa Anna                     11:33.50    6

4 Vasquez, 1                   Coleman                        11:37.00    4

5 Dozier, Andy                 Cherokee                       12:07.83    2

6 Hopper JV, Jordan            Priddy                         12:22.00    1


Boys 110 Meter Hurdles


Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points


1 Hampton, Austin              Goldthwaite                       16.84   10

2 Thompson, 1                  Coleman                           17.54    8

3 Hensley, 1                   Coleman                           19.15    6

4 Storey, Justin               Blanket                           19.69    4

5 Meeks, Joseph                Blanket                           19.74    2

6 Partlow, Bryce               Santo                             20.53    1


Boys 300 Meter Hurdles


Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points


1 Drosche, Andy                Goldthwaite                       42.63   10

2 Hampton, Austin              Goldthwaite                       44.76    8

3 Thompson, 1                  Coleman                           45.61    6

4 Regalado, Nick               Eden                              46.53    4

5 Hensley, 1                   Coleman                           47.07    2

6 Taylor, 1                    Victory Life                      47.84    1


Boys 4×100 Meter Relay


School                                               Seed     Finals  Points


1 Blanket  ‘A’                                                   45.21   20

2 Richland Springs  ‘A’                                          45.98   16

3 Goldthwaite  ‘A’                                               46.98   12

4 Coleman  ‘A’                                                   47.05    8

5 Zephyr  ‘A’                                                    47.15    4

6 Santo  ‘A’                                                     47.84    2


Boys 4×200 Meter Relay


School                                               Seed     Finals  Points


1 Richland Springs  ‘A’                                        1:37.62   20

2 Coleman  ‘A’                                                 1:37.97   16

3 Goldthwaite  ‘A’                                             1:39.01   12

4 Zephyr  ‘A’                                                  1:39.77    8

5 Gustine  ‘A’                                                 1:44.44    4

6 Santo  ‘A’                                                   1:45.00    2


Boys 4×400 Meter Relay


School                                               Seed     Finals  Points


1 Goldthwaite  ‘A’                                             3:42.48   20

2 Zephyr  ‘A’                                                  3:48.08   16

3 Richland Springs  ‘A’                                        3:48.11   12

4 Coleman  ‘A’                                                 3:54.67    8

5 Santo  ‘A’                                                   3:56.68    4


Boys High Jump


Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points


1 Storey, Justin               Blanket                         5-06.00   10

2 Meeks, Joseph                Blanket                        J5-06.00    8

3 Starky, 1                    Novice                         J5-06.00    6

4 Randolph, Logan              Priddy                         J5-06.00    4

5 Powell, Kelton               Panther Creek                   5-04.00    2

6 Hampton, Austin              Goldthwaite                    J5-04.00    1


Boys Pole Vault


Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points


1 Churchwell, Chase            Eden                           10-06.00   10

2 Jones, 1                     Coleman                        10-00.00    8

3 Williams, 1                  Evant                         J10-00.00    6

4 Salinas, Daniel              Goldthwaite                   J10-00.00    4

5 Tinney, Trevor               Richland Springs              J10-00.00    2

6 Gandy, 1                     Evant                         J10-00.00    1


Boys Long Jump


Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points


1 McKennon, Aaron              Santo                          20-08.00   10

2 Myers, Matt                  Hill School                    18-10.00    8

3 Starky, 1                    Novice                         18-08.75    6

4 Delgadillo, C                Novice                         18-06.00    4

5 Hollon, Tommy                Richland Springs               18-00.50    2

6 Keeney, Kaleb                Paint Rock                     17-11.00    1


Boys Triple Jump


Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points


1 Hughes, Austin               Blanket                        38-11.00   10

2 Thompson, 1                  Coleman                        38-03.50    8

3 Delgadillo, C                Novice                         37-09.00    6

4 Hampton, Austin              Goldthwaite                    37-05.00    4

5 Montelongo, Jorge            Goldthwaite                    36-11.50    2

6 Harris, Colton               Santo                          35-09.50    1


Boys Shot Put


Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points


1 Torres, Bryan                Richland Springs               44-05.00   10

2 Tillery, 1                   Richland Springs               42-07.75    8

3 Mehle, Jacob                 Brookesmith                    40-08.75    6

4 Power, Andrew                Santo                          40-00.00    4

5 Price, Gabe                  Santo                          39-10.50    2

6 Wright, 1                    Goldthwaite                    38-02.50    1


Boys Discus Throw


Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points


1 Ruth, Cullen                 Victory Life                     124-02   10

2 Perez, 1                     Goldthwaite                      117-07    8

3 Wilson, 1                    Goldthwaite                      114-04    6

4 Hagood, Cullen               Victory Life                     106-02    4

5 Thompson, 1                  Coleman                          104-04    2

6 Simmons, H                   Zephyr                           103-11    1


Women – Team Rankings – 17 Events Scored


1) Goldthwaite                118        2) Coleman                   114

3) Zephyr                      51        4) Santo                      45

5) Weatherford Christain       38        6) Hill School                33

7) Santa Anna                  24        8) Eden                       21

9) Richland Springs            16       10) Lometa                     12

11) Coleman JV                  11       12) Priddy                      8

13) Paint Rock                   6       14) Victory Life                4

15) Cherokee                     3       16) Blanket                     2

16) Brookesmith                  2       18) Gustine                     1

18) Panther Creek                1


Men – Team Rankings – 17 Events Scored


1) Goldthwaite                121        2) Coleman                    85

3) Blanket                     73        4) Richland Springs           70

5) Santo                       58        6) Zephyr                     33

7) Novice                      28        8) Hill School                24

9) Victory Life                23       10) Priddy                     21

10) Paint Rock                  21       12) Eden                       14

13) Santa Anna                  12       14) Gustine                    10

15) Evant                        9       16) Brookesmith                 6

17) Panther Creek                4       17) Cherokee                    4

19) Weatherford Christain        2