StMarysChurchSt. Mary Queen of Peace Catholic Church in Brownwood will sponsor a “Parish Mission” in March.  There will be four consecutive evenings of prayer, singing and reflections in response to the preaching of Fr. Don Willard, C. Ss.R., a Redemptorist (English) and Fr. Benedict Nwachukwu (Spanish).  The Redemptorists have a long history of preaching parish missions in the United States.

The Parish Mission is an extraordinary preaching event, according to its organizers.  God’s Word is proclaimed through the Bible and through the life, learning, and personal experience of the preacher.  The Parish Mission begins at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, March 23rd and continues the next three evenings, concluding on Thursday evening for those who speak English and March 25th – 27th for those who speak Spanish.

The themes, symbols, topics and goals of the preaching and reflections and renewal are different each evening:

March 23 – The symbol this night is the Bible, representing God’s communications to all people.  The topic is Salvation:  God’s dream for our happiness…and our response.  The goal is to deepen our acceptance of God’s tremendous love for us.

March 24 – The symbol this night is the Crucifix, representing Jesus’ way of life through death.  The topic is Jesus as Savior:  Who is Jesus for us?  The goal is to renew personal faith in Jesus as Savior.

March 25 – The symbol this night is Ashes, representing penance and contrition.   The topic is sin, reconciliation and healing, living the life of conversion.  The goal is to be freed of the burden of our sinfulness and of past grudges and pains.

March 26 – The symbol this night is the Alter, representing Jesus pouring himself out for us.  The topic is our Mission, our calling to go out and share in the work of Jesus Christ and the Church.  The goal is to become more aware of how we need to go forth and proclaim the Good News.

All members of the parishes in Coleman, Comanche, Brady, and Goldthwaite are invited to participate in this Mission.  Indeed, all Christians in the area are invited to attend any or all of the Parish Missions.

Childcare will be provided for children up to and including 1st grade.

There will be provided for children up to and including 1st grade.  There will be a chance for snacks, drinks and fellowship each evening after the service (only one hour and 15 minutes long).