
Playground plans are underway at the Bert V. Massey, II Sports Complex as the city received a grant at Tuesday’s Brownwood City Council meeting to purchase the new playground equipment.  Brown County’s representative Steve Dyer of the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) presented the City of Brownwood a Community Development Partnership Program Grant of $25,000.  The funds will be used for purchasing playground equipment at the sports complex.

“Thank you, this check will go a long way to finish the playground,” stated Mayor Stephen Haynes.  “As a father of four children, I appreciate it.”

*Pictured above is City Engineer Jodie Kelly (left) taking the check from the LCRA’s Steve Dyer(right).

Brownwood City Council also approved a bid from Gametime Company in the amount of $91,516.49 for the purchase of bleachers for the Bert V. Massey II Sports Complex.  The bid was through the purchasing co-op of U.S. Communities Government Purchasing Alliance, a national government purchasing cooperative providing governmental procurement services.

Twenty-four sets of bleachers were approved for purchase and placement at the sports complex.  The bid includes freight and a 5 year warranty.  The bleachers selected are 5 row x 21 ft long aluminum bleachers with a capacity of 62 seats and 2 handicapped areas per bleacher.  Galvanized vertical picket guard rails are located on the sides and rear of each bleacher for safety purposes.  There will be two bleachers per field, providing 124 seats and 4 handicapped areas under the shaded canopies for spectators.

The bid approved from Gametime is at a cost of 61.50/seat as compared to other bids which ranged from $72.92-$96.41/seat.  City employees will assemble and install the bleachers.

With the purchase of the bleachers and playground along with other work currently underway, the project continues to progress very well according to city manager Bobby Rountree.  He said that he expects the complex to be completed in plenty of time for baseball season.  The new sports complex will feature 12 new baseball and softball fields with new concession stands and other amenities.

In other matters on the agenda:

*Brownwood City Council unanimously approved a resolution of support for the proposed Pride for Areas Surrounding Schools (PASS) program.  The initiative is a concept developed by BISD Community Relations Coordinator Emily Crawford and Kevin Pate of the city to improve the character of neighborhoods surrounding local schools.  The Brownwood ISD Board of Trustees passed a similar resolution of support Monday night.  CLICK HERE for more details and updates on the program.

* Chief Financial Officer Walter Middleton gave the claims and accounts report stating that water revenues were up 26% over last year.

*Council unanimously approved an agreement with the City of Early for Fire Marshal services and authorizing the City Manager to sign the agreement.

*The second regularly scheduled City Council meeting in December (Dec. 28th) was cancelled after a unanimous vote.

*Council members unanimously approved the resolution authorizing the Cities Aggregation Power Project, Inc. (CAPP) to negotiate an extension to the current electric supply and necessary related services agreement.  The resolution would extend this authorization for the years 2011-2018.  The resolution also reiterates that each member is only obligated for its own proportionate share of the contracted load.

*Mayoral appointments and re-appointments to various boards and commissions were approved as follows:

  • Airport Board (2 year terms):  Gene Bannister, Stuart Coleman, Barton Harris, J. Fred Perry (terms through 12/31/12)  along with appointment of Carl McMillan as Council Representative.
  • Audit Committee (3 year term):  Bill Blagg (term to expire 12/31/13).
  • Buildings and Standards Commission (2 year term)  of alternate members:  Yvonne Peters  and Scotty Crawford (terms to expire 12/31/12).
  • Civil Service Commission (3 year term):  Gregg Rice (term expiration of 12/31/13).
  • Electrical Review Board (2 year terms):  L.C. Furniss, Charles Jenkins and Terry Lambert (terms to expire 12/31/12).
  • Martin & Frances Lehnis Transportation Museum Advisory Board (3 year terms):  Roger Levesque and LaDon Spence (terms to expire 12/31/13).
  • Library Board (3 year term):  Jack N. Davis and Elaine Dippel and replacement of outgoing member Jan Cate, Frank Hilton (terms to expire 12/31/13).
  • Parks Advisory Commission (3 year terms):  Keith Clark and Richard Porter (terms to expire 1/1/14).
  • Planning & Zoning (3 year terms):  Larry Mullins and Peter Romig (terms to expire 12/31/13).
  • Zoning Board of Adjustment (3 year term):  Keith Clark, Roland Finch and Jerry Spain (terms expire 12/31/13).

*Council unanimously approved appointments to the newly created Retail Advisory Committee (RAC):

  • Councilman Representative:  Jerry DeHay
  • Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce Representative:  Michael Richardson
  • Brownwood Marketing Alliance Representative:  Ray Tipton
  • Three community members:  Ed Talley, Julie Moore and Jamie Munson
  • The city manager and the director of the Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce are designated to serve as non-voting members.


National Night Out:  City of Brownwood was chose as a “Rookie of the Year”.

Burn Ban Update:  Currently Brownwood is one of 70 counties in Texas with active burn bans. Wind, dry tall grass and etc. make the area prime for major fires.  Rountree cautioned everyone about outdoor burning, stating “Now is not the time”.