mopslogoSouthside MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) will host a Preschool Fair this Friday, March 20th from 10:30 AM to Noon in the Southside Church Fellowship Hall. Learn about all the education opportunities that Brownwood has to offer preschoolers and their parents.

Representatives from all schools for children, birth through grade school, will be available to meet with the public and share costs, requirements, and availability. Admission is free, and door prizes will be offered as well.

MOPS is about meeting the needs of all moms, walking with mothers of young children during a challenging season, offering practical help and spiritual growth. MOPS encourages, equips and develops moms as women, mothers and leaders.

MOPS groups are meeting today in 30 countries around the world, providing a community that looks radically different than what is available to moms online or in other networks. MOPS moms journey together, sharing real relationships that transform and enrich lives. The group aims to see no mom alone because when the group impacts a mom, they impact children, families, and ultimately — the world. Southside MOPS meets at Southside Church, located at 1219 Indian Creek. For more information about MOPS visit