earlyhighschoolvandalizmThe Early Police Department is investigating a break-in that occurred overnight at the Early High School.

Early ISD officials said that suspects broke into the Early High School sometime between 2 am and 4 am on Saturday morning with some vandalism resulting inside of the school.

Saturday afternoon, the Early Police Department was still on the scene collecting evidence.  School officials said that there is surveillance video that has been reviewed.

Early ISD Superintendent Brett Koch was at the high school on Saturday with police.  “We are fine.” Koch said. “Police are still investigating and we expect to apprehend the suspects.”

Koch also said, “Some minor vandalism did result from the incident.”   He also indicated that all of the damage is repairable.

Koch wanted to stress that the break-in will not affect any school events.  “There will be school on Monday.”

He also said that the scheduled performance of the musical The Sound of Music will take place as scheduled on Saturday night at the school.

Early Police were unable to comment as of Saturday afternoon as they were still conducting their investigation.