
Brownwood Police Department honored their fellow coworker and friend Fern Snow with a reception on Friday.  She retired May 2nd after having worked with the department for nearly six years.

Snow began as the receptionist at the front window of the Law Enforcement Center in July of 2008 and then became the records clerk in May of 2010.  Among many things in Snows’ future are plans to enjoy the “good life” spending time with her husband Sgt. Ron Snow of Department of Public Safety’s Capitol Police and visiting her two young granddaughters.

Friends, family and coworkers enjoyed cake, punch and showered Snow with gifts and sentiments of how her time with the department had touched each one of them.

Chief of Police Mike Corley presented Snow with an engraved clock, which stated the City of Brownwood’s appreciation for her dedication and service.  He then thanked her for helping him to settle in when he was hired as the new Chief of Police in May of 2010.

Former Chief of Police Virgil Cowan stated, “Hiring Fern was one of the best things Chief Corley has done for this department.”

Lieutenant Tracey Delgado stated that Snow had become the department’s “surrogate mother,” always helping anyone she meets, especially the officers within the department.

“Anyone who comes into the department gets to meet Fern, she always helps anyone she can,” said Delgado.  “There’s not many people who haven’t been touched by Fern.”

Chief Corley stated that Snow had been instrumental in the department, especially in organizing departmental events, such as the annual law enforcement Christmas party and other recognition gatherings.

It was the general consensus of the department and the many others who had daily contact with Snow that all were very happy for her but that she will be missed.

Pictured at top, Chief Corley presents Snow with engraved clock.


The Snows enjoying the reception.


Snow visiting with former BPD Chief Cowan.
