
Brownwood Municipal Police Association and the Brownwood Police Department honored Sergeant Mitch Slaymaker for serving more than 16 years with the Brownwood Police Department and wished him farewell as he begins a new career with the Texas Municipal Police Association as their Deputy Executive Director.

Slaymaker, originally from Red Deer, Alberta, Canada, came to Brownwood 1999.  He graduated from Sir Sanford Fleming College in Ontario, Canada.  44-year-old Slaymaker has served as the President of the Texas Municipal Police Association and stated, “I was a part of TMPA for 10 years, and I said, look I’m tired of doing this for free.  I want to get paid for this, and I applied.  It was a very tough process and I’m excited for the future.  Now I’m not just going to be serving a squad of seven (as a Sgt. at BPD) – if we are ever fully staffed, but I’ll now be serving over 24,000 sworn officers and that is another humble beginning for me.”

Slaymaker thanked his fellow officers for the day of celebration and stated that they are family to him.

Brownwood Chief of Police Mike Corley congratulated Slaymaker on his new position and wished him well, highlighting Slaymaker’s character that have made him a valued part of the department locally.

“What I remember the most about Mitch, when I first came here, Mitch made me feel the most welcome,” said Corley.

Corley stated he had gone through Slaymaker’s file and found several things that confirmed the quality of officer he has been.

“First, you have always been a ‘go-to guy,’” Corley said. “Number two, you are good at talking, good at public speaking and good out in the community, something that I relate to and appreciate very much.”

Corley stated he is going to miss Slaymaker and he wishes happiness for him and his family.  “I am proud and honored to give you a Challenge Coin from Brownwood Police Department.”

Those attending enjoyed viewing a video about Slaymaker and well wishes from coworkers.  After some words from Slaymaker and Chief Corley, other officers commented on their experiences with him through the years.

Slaymaker stated that he loved living in Brownwood and some of the simple things, “One of the things I loved most about living in a small town is going into the grocery store and always seeing someone you know.”

Slaymaker served from 1999 to the present as a D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) officer for many years, educating many of the young children in the Brownwood Independent School District; as a field training officer; helped BPD to meet current standards; and worked as a shift Sergeant among many other tasks.

Pictured above is Slaymaker with Chief Corley as he presented the BPD Challenge Coin.  Below are more photos from the gathering.


Slaymaker (center) with two of his squad members, Officer Jessie Mares (left) and Corporal Brandon Johnson.


Slaymaker is pictured above with Officer Fred Bastardo.


Speaking with fellow Sergeant Troy Carroll.