Howard_Payne_logosmallSixteen area residents recently graduated with honors from Howard Payne University.

Bangs – Carly Newton – Bachelor of Science, magna cum laude.

Brownwood – Jon Beaubien – Bachelor of Arts, summa cum laude; Gloria Gomez – Bachelor of Arts, magna cum laude; Emily Hill – Bachelor of Arts, cum laude; Whitney Knable – Bachelor of Arts, cum laude; Wendy Mainka – Bachelor of Arts, summa cum laude; Amanda Moore – Bachelor of Arts, summa cum laude; Christopher Nichols – Bachelor of Arts, magna cum laude; Leslie Revay – Bachelor of Science, cum laude; Joseph Shaw – Bachelor of Arts, cum laude; Charles Skipping – Bachelor of Music, cum laude; and Jennifer Williams – Bachelor of Arts, magna cum laude.

Early – Stephen Cox – Bachelor of Music, magna cum laude.

Richland Springs – Laurie Sloan, Bachelor of Science, magna cum laude honors.

Zephyr – Judy Bullard – Bachelor of Arts degree, cum laude; and Brian Nelson – Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences degree, magna cum laude.

Students must have a grade point average of a 3.55-3.69 to receive cum laude honors, a 3.70-3.84 to receive magna cum laude honors, and a 3.85-4.0 to receive summa cum laude honors. All students graduating with honors were recognized during the commencement ceremony at HPU.