Brownwood Intermediate 6th grade girls recently competed in the BIS Basketball Intramurals Championship. The game was held Wednesday, October 21st after the top two teams were determined through a series of playoff match-ups.
“Coach Hoertz, Coach Nowell, and the Varsity Girls all attended the event to show their support,” said Brownwood Intermediate coach, Stefenia Phipps. “They have been great mentors to the 6th grade girls throughout the season.”
The tournament was made possible with the help of several individuals. Breyle Sauseda, Sarah Fox, and Larissa Rodriguez coached the teams and Coach Hoertz joined Coach Nowell to help referee and keep score.
“The 6th grade girls improved tremendously,” Phipps noted. “This after school program is a great way for incoming junior-high girls to get a taste of what athletics will be.”
After battling their way to the top, the Silver Bullets were crowned the champions. Silver Bullets team members include, Judith Romero, Jaycie Hubbard, Jadea Rodriguez, Alyssia Burndt, Claire Clayton, Marisa Campos, Brooklyn Ariel, and Katie Attaway. The high-scorer for the team and for the season was Jadea Rodriguez.
“Thank you to Coach Hoertz and Coach Nowell for their continued support,” said Phipps. “We wish them good luck as they start their season.”
Pictured above are the Silver Bullets after their victory in the Brownwood Intermediate School 6th Grade Intramurals Basketball Championship.