countryclubThe Brownwood Country Club will soon have new owners after a vote of the club’s shareholders Thursday night.  The new owners will be Stephen and Vicky Baker of Midland.

The Bakers recently submitted an offer to purchase all assets of the club including real estate and personal property.  The Bakers said during the shareholders’ meeting that they intend to keep the club open and plan to make improvements to the club house, golf course, swimming pool, as well as other improvement yet to be determined.

The Bakers are currently remodeling a house near Brownwood and will make it their new permanent home once it is complete.

“This club is important to Brownwood and we want to make it something the community can be proud of,” Stephen Baker said.

The Bakers are still determining specific operating procedures for the club but said that fees and club memberships will remain the same for the next few months.  They plan to possibly offer different levels of membership in the future, but are not looking to increase fees.  The Bakers also said that they are not planning any immediate staff changes moving forward.

With the purchase of the club, the current Brownwood Country Club organization and board will cease to exist.  The Bakers said that they are very open to suggestions on how to improve the club, and are eager to hear from the community.

This sale came just in time to save the country club from foreclosure after several months of financial hardship.