CorinneTSmithLogoCorinne T. Smith Animal Center has announced that there is “something to bark about” as March 18, 2011 at 6pm has been set as the time for the next Canines, Cats, and Cabernet fundraiser!

Rex Tackett will be back again as the auctioneer for the evening.  If you have items you would like to donate for auction, please contact the animal center now.  All auction items must be in by March 1st so the animal center will have time to prepare the programs and baskets. Sponsorships will be similar to last year, and businesses/individuals should preferably contact the Corinne T. Smith Animal Center before December 31, 2010, of your willingness to sponsor the event.  Food vendors, beer vendors, and wine vendors from last year will be back again to please the palates.

Volunteers and entertainers are needed for the event, along with donations of white cloth tablecloths, silverware, plates, and tubs for icing beer and white wine.

Tickets will be priced at $50, and a goal of selling 250 tickets has been set for this year! More information will be rolled out as the event nears.