
The City of Brownwood proclaimed September Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and recognized child survivor Carlee Richardson and her mother Sandra Richardson who is a board member of Hope for the Heart, a local childhood cancer awareness and support group.

Mayor Stephen Haynes read the proclamation at Tuesday’s city council meeting.

“Cancer crosses all ethnic, social and economic boundaries,” said Haynes.  “In the past five years, Brown County has had seven child hood cancer warriors in remission, three in active treatment and two that have earned their angel wings.”

He continued with the proclamation which stated that cure rates for many forms of childhood cancer remain less than 50%, with many survivors suffering long-term side effects from the cancer and/or treatment because chemotherapy reacts different in children than in adults.

In honor of the children who have, or who are still battling cancer and/or its after effects, their families and caregivers, and all who collaborate to provide hope and assistance to the children and their families affected, Haynes proclaimed the month of September as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and encouraged all citizens to memorialize the young lives that have been taken too soon, to honor those fighting, and those who have survived childhood cancer.

Mrs. Richardson, Vice Principal of Brownwood Middle School, stated that Brownwood High School held a Go Gold volleyball game on Tuesday and will host a Go Gold football game on Friday, September 11th.  Both of these games raise awareness for childhood cancer through athletes and fans wearing gold in honor of those fighting and surviving childhood cancer.  There are also fundraisers being held in conjunction with and during the games to raise funds to help aid families that are currently battling childhood cancer and scholarships for childhood cancer survivors.

Councilman Larry Mathis, a former teacher at Brownwood High School and friend of the Richardson family added to the remarks.

“I am thankful to Brownwood ISD for their support,” said Mathis.  “I have had the privilege of knowing Sandra and Carlee for a long time.  We are blessed to have our firemen and police here; we know that they are heroes.  But I am telling you that watching what Carlee did and what that family went through, she is a hero.”

Pictured above are Mayor Haynes, Carlee Richardson and Sandra Richardson during the proclamation.