TexasForestryServiceMoney may not grow on trees, but by planting them in the right places, they could be saving you money.  With a new tool from Texas A&M Forest Service as well as opportunities from partnering organizations, you can ensure that you are getting the most out of your trees.

Simply landscaping your yard and planting trees strategically can help keep your home cool, protect it from cold winter winds, and save energy—thus saving you money.

“Air temperatures can be as much as 20 degrees cooler in the shade and surface temperatures up to 40 degrees cooler,” said Gretchen Riley, Texas A&M Forester and Tree Line USA Coordinator.  “Trees are a simple and effective way to reduce heat in and around our homes.”   To find the best planting locations for a tree in your yard, check out the animated graphic at http://texastreeplanting.tamu.edu/energy_efficiency.html.

Oncor Electric and CenterPoint Energy are two major utility providers that have partnered with the Arbor Day Foundation to bring the Energy Saving Trees program to Texas.  This free tree program has a web-based mapping tool that allows homeowners to compare energy savings based on the amount of shade different types of trees are capable of providing their home.

Partnering utilities companies will provide up to three trees for you to plant in the area of your yard that allows for optimal energy savings. This sponsored program allows homeowners to save money on bills in a way that may not have been considered before.

To find out more about the Arbor Day Foundation’s Energy Saving Trees program and see if your electric provider is a partnering organization, visit http://energysavingtrees.arborday.org/#Home.