
The Santa Anna One-Act Play, “The Insanity of Mary Girard”, recently advanced from Zone to District contest along with Veribest ISD. The play, written by Lanie Robertson and directed by Ginger Vinson, is a dark and disturbing story about a woman who is placed in an insane asylum for questionable reasons. Other schools participating in the Zone contest were Panther Creek’s “The Kentucky Cycle: Fire in the Hole”, Bronte’s “The Beggar’s Opera”, Novice’s “Childhood”, and Veribest’s “Do Not Go Gentle”.

The following Santa Anna students were honored with acting awards:

Lauren Denis – Best Actress

Victoria Cisneros – All Star Cast

Courtlyn Lishka – Honorable Mention

Shayne Jennings – Honorable Mention

Kendra Sanchez – Honor Crew

Pictured at top are:  Lauren Denis, Mariah Murray, Heather Wetsel, Kesly Manly, Hunter Musick, Erica Neville, Jessica Robertson, Zack Diaz, Logan Mendoza, Victoria Cisneros, Courtlyn Lishka, Kendra Sanchez, Slater Isbell, Dustin Palmour, Kindsey Holland, Amber Musick, Charity Holland, Makaylah Morris, Aspyn King, Kelsie Tobin, and Director Ginger Vinson.  Not pictured, Shayne Jennings.