
Roy Spence, Jr. was the featured speaker Friday at the Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce Economic Summit and talked about entrepreneurism and purpose during the event.

Spence outlined his success through pursuit of doing what he loves and encouraged everyone to turn their own strengths into their business and careers.

Spence is co-founder and chairman of GSD&M Idea City, the agency that helped grow some of the world’s most successful brands including Southwest Airlines, Wal-Mart and BMW.  He has been a trusted advisor to legendary business leaders including Sam Walton and Southwest Airlines founder, Herb Kelleher.  Most recently, Spence co-founded The Purpose institute, a consulting firm dedicated to helping people and organizations discover and live their lives with the understanding that purpose drives performance.

See Spence’s full presentation in the video below.  Pictured at top is Spence talking with BISD Superintendent Reece Blincoe at the economic summit on Friday.

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