Courtesy of Brown County Broadcasting – KOXE/KBWD News Director Rick Phelps took part in an activity that he called a “once in a lifetime opportunity.” Phelps, at the request of Mike Lange, Texas House Representative for District 60, offered the opening prayer at the state capitol in Austin.
“One of Mike’s aides called me about a month ago and asked me if I would be interested in being the ‘Pastor of the Day’ in Austin,” Phelps said. “I immediately accepted because it is an honor to represent God, my church, my family, my county and my KOXE family on such a large platform.”
Due to rules established for those offering the invocation, Phelps was required to email a copy of his prayer by April 6, exactly one week prior to his April 13 visit to the capitol. “It was odd for me to have a prayer completed in advance,” Phelps said. “I figured there was a reason for this, so I obviously complied with the request.”
More paperwork was required prior to arriving in Austin. “I had to send them the make, year and model of the car I would be driving to the capitol,” Phelps said. “It was pretty cool. Once we were cleared at the initial security gate, we were parked by other security in a spot for the ‘Pastor of the Day.’ That showed me that this is a process they respect and take seriously.”
Upon arrival, Phelps, who was accompanied by his wife Beth and mother Nora, were escorted to Lang’s office who offered a rundown of the morning. “Mike took me to the floor and one of his aides seated my wife and mom to the gallery,” Phelps said. “It was a little overwhelming at first, but a peace settled over me which made it much easier.”
After offering the prayer, Phelps had photos taken with Lang and Texas House of Representative Speaker Joe Straus. He was also presented with a certificate, lapel pin and challenge coin by Lang. “It was a blessing and an absolute honor,” Phelps said. “I am most excited that our Texas representatives make sure the Lord is part of their daily ceremonies.”
Phelps is the Outreach Pastor at Victory Life Church and is a teacher and coach at Victory Life Academy. Phelps spearheaded the effort to have school zones established on C.C. Woodson near the school, as well as raise funds for the flashing school zone lights. He is also very involved in the community as the vice-chair for the local Salvation Army board, president of the Bangs Lions Club and Bangs Business Association, outgoing president of the Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors, board director with the Early Chamber of Commerce and secretary for the Brown County Child Welfare Board.