Executive Director of the Brownwood Economic Development Corporation (BEDC), James Campbell, officially announced his retirement Thursday to be effective June 1, 2011.

Campbell has been the Executive Directory for nearly 18 years, which will be a difficult act to follow.

“Personally it has been a great privilege for me to have served the Brownwood community and its citizens these past almost eighteen years,” stated Campbell in his retirement letter.

Campbell stated that he and his wife, Vicki, plan to continue to live in Brownwood for the foreseeable future and continue their relationships with a variety of organizations and activities.  A thank you was given in his retirement letter to all of the Directors of the BEDC he has served with over the many years, the City Council both current and past, and the citizens of Brownwood.

“I look forward to better days for Brownwood and its citizens,” stated Campbell.  “Brownwood will always feel like home to me and my family.”

City Manager Bobby Rountree stated that a replacement will be sought to fill Campbell’s position before his official retirement date of June 1, 2011.

Glenda England, Administrative Assistant in the BEDC office, also recently announced her retirement in April .  England was recently given employee recognition for 25 years of service in the city of Brownwood.