TexasRetTeachersAssocLogoMany Texans have followed various legislative issues in the recent session of the Texas Legislature.  Local members of the Texas Retired Teachers Association [TRTA] joined many colleagues statewide in contacting their congressmen concerning issues that were of concern to retirees.  Of main concern was the issue of ‘Defined Benefits’ versus ‘Defined Contributions’.  Educators and other public school personnel in Texas participate in a ‘Defined Benefit’ program.  With this, one cannot outlive his/her benefit.  It is guaranteed for one’s lifetime.  ‘Defined Contribution’ programs require less management and the employee is more responsible for making investment decisions.  With ‘Defined Contribution’ programs, one can outlive his/her benefits because it is based on the amount in one’s account at retirement.  TRTA is the voice retirees have in Austin and members want to keep ’Defined Benefits’.  Many retirees only receive the monthly annuity check to live on.  There is strength in numbers and by joining the local unit of Brown County Retired Teachers Association [BCRTA]; you add support to continued retirement security.

If you are a public school retiree, receiving an annuity check, you are urged to join the local BCRTA.  There are over 700 annuitants in Brown County and less than a third belong to the local unit.  Attendance is not required for local meetings, but it is a time to see former teaching colleagues, make new friends, and keep current in various topics presented at the meetings.  BCRTA provides an annual scholarship to a Howard Payne University junior or senior majoring in education.  Members donate books to local children’s groups, participate in many volunteer programs, and turn in hours they walk for the state wellness program.  BCRTA members also donate supplies to give to Brown County schools at the beginning of each school year, collect items to send to the military families, and have food drives for local food pantries.

Please consider joining BCRTA.  Membership cost is $35 a year.  For more information contact Frances Taylor at 325-642-6323 or ftaylor78@yahoo.com or Elizabeth Ellis at 325-752-7272 or libb_e4gs@msn.com by July 20, 2011.

President Elizabeth Ellis stated that retired members report volunteer hours to the state committee and Brown County members reported 19,638 hours volunteered to various organizations in Brown County. These members also keep record of how much they walk to keep healthy and those members turning in their records walked 72,653,843 steps.

“This shows we are still active and vital to the community,” said Ellis.