loobywithflagThe Brown County Republican Women commemorated those lost in 9/11 & gave Mayor Bert Massey honors at their monthly meeting.

The organization invited retired Navy & reverend Jim Looby to speak today and help its members commemorate Patriot Day.

Looby made it clear that he was not running for office, but spoke about patriotism and protecting our nation’s freedoms

Looby asked the crowd, “What is a patriot? Well ladies and gentlemen, you are a patriot.  Every one of you, it has nothing to do with party.”

Looby said, “A patriot is one simply who loves his country.”

Looby concluded, “Let’s remember those who sacrificed on 9/11. It is right, proper and fitting that we do that. Lets remember our military folks.  It is right and proper we do that.”Masseyrepublicanwomen

Also during today’s luncheon, the Brown County Republican Women inducted Mayor Bert Massey as an honorary, associate member.

Massey said, “If there is a more politically active organization in Brown County than the Republican Women, then I don’t know what it is.”

Also on hand to speak was Darren Yancy who is running for Congress against Chet Edwards in District 17.  He spoke briefly about who he is and his position on several issues.