Written by Amanda Coers – Texas State Representative Mike Lang’s bill, HB 2273, regarding a repeal of legislation that allowed Brown County Attorney Shane Britton to accept donations from criminal defendants was met with little opposition during a public hearing before the Civil Jurisprudence Committee Tuesday afternoon.


“This bill would prohibit the county attorney from accepting gifts and grants in return for dismissing cases,” Lang told the committee in his opening remarks. Lang explained the bill would repeal a statute passed in 2007 that allowed the Brown County Attorney to accept donations. Over the years that followed, five other counties adopted similar practices. If HB 2273 is passed, the six counties would be held to the same guidelines as the other 248 Texas counties.

Brown County Commissioner Gary Worley was present during the committee meeting to testify in support of Lang’s bill, saying, “The Brown County Commissioners’ Court is indeed in favor of this bill. We think the language of the legislation that was passed in 2007 was way too ambiguous. It is time to repeal it.”

Also testifying from Brown County in favor of HB 2273 was Brownwood resident Sandra McSwain.

“I think it was started with good intentions,” McSwain told the committee regarding the 2007 legislation. “But I feel it has been abused in our county. Little action has been taken by the close-knit courthouse to address the abuses of the donation program.”

After testimony was presented, the Civil Jurisprudence Committee announced the bill is pending, and will be reviewed again before going to the house floor for a vote.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Lubbock is investigating Brown County Attorney Shane Britton for bribery and corruption related to his donation program.