Written by Amanda Coers – District 60 State Representative Mike Lang has penned an open letter to Brown County Officials, including Judge Ray West, Commissioners Gary Worley, Joel Kelton, Wayne Shaw, and Larry Traweek, as well as County Attorney Shane Britton, regarding comments made during yesterday’s Commissioners’ Court.

Near the conclusion of the Brown County Commissioners Court on Monday, March 6th, Judge Ray West briefly spoke of Texas State Representative Mike Lang’s recently filed bill: HB 2273 to the repeal statutes allowing the county attorney or commissioners court to accept gifts or grants to finance or assist the operation of the office of county attorney. As Judge West spoke with the Brown County Commissioners he claimed Lang’s office had informed him the catalyst for filing the bill was reports from the media.


Zach Maxwell, Chief of Staff for Representative Mike Lang, confirmed the Representative has been in contact and working with several Brown County residents regarding the bill, and not solely relying upon articles published by the media.

“We have gotten quite a few people reaching out, telling us the bill is a good thing,” Maxwell said, regarding bill to abolish the donation statute used in conjunction with the county’s pretrial diversion program. Lang’s office also stated there will be Brown County residents testifying in support of the bill during the hearing as well as the Justices of the Peace and Constables Association, Inc. (JPCA), the largest organization of elected county officials in the State of Texas.

Brown County Justice of the Peace, Pct. 4, Jim Cavanaugh endorsed the bill by saying, “It does not pass the smell test when you have the county attorney collecting gifts and donations directly from defendants.”

Any Brown County residents wishing to provide input or testify regarding Representative Lang’s bill may email: mike.lang@house.texas.gov

The letter from Representative Lang to Brown County Officials reads as follows:

Dear Judge Ray West,

I am writing to you in response to your comments in Commissioners Court today, Monday March 6th, 2017.

In my opinion, Brown County’s situation with the county attorney’s donation program should already have been terminated. The legislation I have filled will do the “right thing” for the citizens of Brown County.

As per our conversation in my office in Austin, there is a problem with the donation program in the county attorney’s office. There seems to be little or no oversight from this office or from the commissioners court. Surely you and the court agree that returning a repeat DWI offender back on the streets to do harm is not good for the citizens of Brown County.

This 2007 donation program is an injustice to the citizens and has left a trail of victims. I am an elected official like you and we both serve the great people of Brown county. I hope for the sake of the people you, the commissioners, and the county attorney will now take the chance you have with House Bill 2273 and do the “right thing”. The county attorney already publicly endorse my bill, I look forward to your support as well.

Very Respectfully,

Representative Mike Lang

House District 60