A favorite summertime tradition for many children and church members, Vacation Bible Schools and kids camps are taking place at many local churches this summer. Volunteers are working hard to make special experiences and memories for children. Customarily offered are weeks full of learning about God and Christian teachings, arts & crafts, plus Kool-Aid and lots of cookies.
Schedules of vacation Bible schools and kids camps that are being offered in the coming weeks are below.
Thursday Mornings
Austin Avenue Church of Christ will have VBS every Thursday morning from 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon for kids that have finished kindergarten through kids that finished 5th grade. “The Ball Is In Your Court” will be the theme for the week. Austin Avenue Church of Christ is located at 1020 Austin Avenue in Brownwood.
July 19-23
Rocky Creek Baptist Church will host an Everest themed Vacation Bible School on July 19th (Sunday) – 23rd (Thursday) for ages 5 – 5th grade (completed). Registration and meal begin at 5:15 p.m. VBS activities are from 6:00-8:30 p.m. daily. Rocky Creek Baptist Church is located just off of Hwy 279 at 4300 CR 557.
July 20-24
Milton Avenue Baptist Church will host their VBS July 20th through July 24th. Children 3 years through 6th grade are invited to attend. The theme for this year’s VBS is “Off the Map.” Activities will include Bible studies, missions, crafts, recreation/games, and snacks. Hours each day are 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Milton Avenue Baptist church is located at 702 Milton Avenue.
July 26-30
Southside Church will host VBS July 26-30 from 6:00- 8:30 PM. Children ages 4 through 6th grade are invited to attend. This year’s theme is “Journey Off the Map – Unknown to us, Known to Him.” While exploring unchartered territory, kids attending will discover that Jesus is the ultimate guide. They will learn that even when faced with the unexpected, they can know how to listen for God’s direction. Southside Church is located at 1219 Indian Creek in Brownwood. For more information or questions, please call 325-646-0844.
To add your church’s Vacation Bible School event or special children’s activity to this list, email information to lisa@mitdil1.dream.press.